"I did it.... "

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November 20th, 2014...

It was Shinx's 13th birthday. He was officially a teenager. He was laying on the side of his bed, holding the scissors in his hands. He then started cutting the air with them. (He has not done this till now) Suddenly, a portal opened. Shinx jumped in shock. Just then, his friends came running upstairs.

Tepig: "Hey dude, what're you-" He stopped as soon as he saw the portal. "Doing.." He finishes.

Fennekin: "How'd you do that?" She asked.

Shinx starred at the scissors in shock. "The scissors are the key." He wispers.

Snivey: "Uh, could you speak up-"

Shinx ran towards them. "The scissors are the key to opening the portals!" He says, showing them. He then puts his paw in it. "It...it works. I did it.. I finally did it!" He yells.

Suddenly, they hear Shinx's mom come upstairs. Everyone gets nervous until Shinx uses the scissors to close the portal just before his mom gets in the room.

Zeraora: "Is everything ok? I thought I heard yelling?"

Shinx: "Uh, yeah, sorry about that, mom. I'm just so happy I'm finally 13. Officially a teenager. "

Zeraora sighs in relief. "Oh, alrighty then. Now, come on down for your birthday dinner." She says as she heads back downstairs.

Everyone walked out behind her. Fennekin was nearly out the door before she turned back toward Shinx.

Fennekin: "You coming?" She asked.

Shinx: "Yeah. Just give me a second." He tells her.

Fennekin walks back to him. "Look, I'm not sure what's gonna happen in the future with..all of this, but I just want you to know that no matter what happens, you won't be alone in this." She says, holding his paws in hers. "Because I'll be with you, no matter what."

Shinx puts his hand on her cheek. "Am I lucky to have you or what, Fennekin?" He smiles as he presses his forehead against hers. "Thank you for being here with me."

Fennekin giggles. "I love you, Shinx Bluecat."

Shinx: "I love you too, Fennekin Yellowfox." He smiles. He then puts the scissors back in his drawer.

Fennekin: "Now let's go celebrate your birthday!" She says as they both walk out of his room.

Authors note: Hey again, everyone! Short chapter today. But next chapter is it. We finally travel to... Mewni and Echo Creek! Finally! See you all next chapter!

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