Visit to Mewtwo

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Tepig looked at Shinx, confused. "Hold on. Your telling me, that we're going to see the government?" He shivered.

Shinx: "Well, uh, not if you don't want to. But me and Fennekin should. Considering she's the one who's actually read it."

Tepig: "Ok then. But just let us know what happened afterwards."

Shinx: "No problem. Come on Fennekin." He says as Fennekin follows Shinx.

The ran a couple blocks, and finally, they stood in front of the government tower.

Fennekin shivered. "We actually have to go in?" She asked.

Shinx: "Like, like I said, you've actually seen what's inside. You have to come." He says, holding out his hand to her.

Fennekin sighs. "Ok, but promise nothing bad will happen?"

Shinx nods. "Promise." He tells her.

Fennekin grabs his hand and they both walk inside. There, Entai was standing by the elevator.

Entai: "Ah, Shinx Bluecat! Mewtwo's been waiting for you to speak again."

Shinx chuckles nervously. "I'm sure he has. We'll, he's in luck. Me and Fennekin are both here to see him." He tells him.

Entai: "Well ok then." He says as he takes them into the elevator. After a few seconds, the elevator opened into Mewtwo's office.

Mewtwo looked up and noticed Shinx and Fennel in walking up to him.

Mewtwo: "Ah, Shinx! Good to see you again bud! I was wondering when you'd come back to see me. So, what brings you in today?" He asks.

Shinx: "Uh, well..." He says as he pulls the book from behind him. Mewtwo looked at him with shock in his eyes.

Mewtwo took the book from Shinx. "How did you get this?"

Well, it's a weird story." He tells him. "We found it in the downtown llibrary." He tells him. "As a matter of fact, Fennekin here is the one who read the book first. She knows what's inside of it."

Mewtwo looked at Fennekin. "You do?"

Fennekin stood silently, scared to speak.

Shinx nudged her on the shoulder. "Come on. He won't bite." He tells her.

Fennekin sighed and walked closer to Mewtwo's desk. "Yes sir, I have read it. And I must say, I'm quite fascinated with the pokemon history."

Mewtwo: "You are?"

Fennekin nods. "Yeah. Of course, I didn't read a whole lot of it as I was found and kicked out of the room. But, what I did find was quite cool."

Mewtwo: "Well, thank you for that, Fennekin." He then turns to Shinx. "So, how did you manage to check it out?"

Shinx rubs the back of his neck. "Well, I told them that you needed it for work." He tells him. "And that you forgot to call the library to confirm." He says.

Mewtwo pinches the middle of his eyebrows. "So, you had to lie?"

Shinx: "Well...not really. I mean, wasn't this the book you were trying to show me, but couldn't find?"

Mewtwo looked at it closely. "Yes, it is."

Shinx: "So, that means we didn't necessarily lie about you needing the book."

Mewtwo: "Sure, but-"

Before he could say anything else, the elevator door was about to open. Shinx heard Zekrom's voice on the other side.

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