"So, Duke Loyd," I ask curiously, "do you just refer to him that way?" He shakes his head, "He has been quite helpful and when anyone else is then we give them a special name even if they are born here." I nod as we reach the rest of the people I travelled with.

"Ra'ees," Duke Loyd shouts out and hugs the tall man as well as the little girl, "these are the people who will be helping around here but they need an idea of the place first." Ra'ees nods and whispers something to Loyd.

"Ra'ees is how you will refer to this man here," Duke Loyd says seriously, "I don't care what rank you are and how important you are back home. If you don't want to respect custom and practices then please leave to the Marquess' home. Here, the only leader is the Ra'ees, understood?" Everyone nods but my family seems to refrain from doing so which causes me to tense.

"On this level," Ra'ees starts to say, "is where guests who wish to can stay. The rest of the homes are scattered throughout the trees. Over there is a school and there is a hospital of sorts. There are farming places below which is strictly prohibited for children and pregnant women to go to. There are other jobs available for men and women as well as children when they start to learn their trade. Back to you Arham."

"Thanks, Ra'ees," Duke Loyd says and everyone looks at him with confusion, "I have never invited anyone to this tribe before because of their nature so I am hoping everyone here is mature enough to handle themselves appropriately."

Once it hits the afternoon, Duke Loyd asks, "Whoever wants to stay can and whoever wants to leave can as well." Most people end up going home except for me. Duke Loyd wanted to stay but he is too old for this now.

As soon as everyone leaves, the tribe gathers to distribute food. Children and pregnant women go first so I am one of the first to get a meal while rank applies next.

Soon, everyone is sitting around enjoying their meal when Ra'ees walks in and takes some food alongside his daughter.

Amirah comes and sits by me while her father makes his way over after.

"May I ask a question Ra'ees?" I ask him politely. He nods with a smile on his face.

"What does Arham mean?" I ask. "It means kind, generous and merciful," he says as he takes a few bites, "that is exactly how Loyd was to us despite my rude nature as a youth with a lot of pain in his heart. My parents gave us all names when we were young and lived in the village, but they said that one day we would do something that would change that name to one that had a true meaning, one that showed who we really are." "Wow," I say as I continue eating a stew with ingredients I have no clue to name, "I love names with meaning. I have been thinking about names for some time, but your tradition is beautiful."

He smiles, nods, gives me his bowl, which I take, and walks away.

Once that is done, I am put to work cleaning the dishes alongside Amirah. Amirah happily does the work without caring about rank and I smile as I relate to her more than to my own family.

"What else do you do Amirah in the day?" I ask her and she smiles. "Everyone gets chores so sometimes I do cooking, cleaning, babysitting and school as well cause of the system of the state," she says kindly and then her face brightens as she screams, "Mama!"

She runs with her little legs and hugs her mother tightly. "أين بابا؟ (Where is Baba?)" the mother asks kindly. "هو في الحقول (He is in the fields)." the little girl answers as her mother nods kindly. "شكرا عزيزتي (Thanks baby)." her mother says kindly as she rushes upstairs into the home.

"Where was your mama?" I ask her curiously. "I am not allowed to say," she says apologetically. I smile at her as we get back to doing the dishes.

Soon, it is time for dinner and I eat the food silently as I watch the little family interact. I start craving something sweet as well as start feeling extremely nauseous so I don't know what to do because I don't know where the bathrooms are.

I make my way down the tree because I assume that is where the bathroom should be but I sense movement in the darkness of the night.

I quickly make my way back up the tree and make my way to Ra'ees.

"Do you keep guards at the bottom of the tree?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "I went down cause, well, I assumed the bathroom is there, but I could hear movement and voices," I say nervously and he sighs.

"Shahd," he says to his wife, "sound the alarm." The woman sends a trill whistle sound and everyone scatters into the trees.

Ra'ees looks at me and says, "Go up the trees. It is better to hide then to fight." I nod knowing the history.

Once everyone is up in the trees, I notice the black uniforms and I whisper to the mother of Amirah. "The children?" I ask her and she gives me a look, "Where are they?"

"Most cannot climb," she says honestly, "we keep them in our nursery, but these are just people who want food so there is nothing to worry about." I start breathing heavily and shaking my head, "No, no, no, no, no. Where is Ra'ees?" She shrugs her shoulders.

"They are not here for food," I say to her seriously, "there are here for the children that is why they are going to go to the nursery." She rolls her eyes so I shake my head, "Don't believe me but I will save them myself."

I make my way down the tree and quietly head to the school. I, soon, notice Ra'ees coming down from the tree with anger on his face.

"What are you doing?" he asks me with annoyance. "I..." I am about to explain when I am interrupted. "Hands up," men shout and aim at us. I step forward, "Listen, I know where the children are. I know what you are looking for, but the nursery is a decoy. Believe me. They told me everything. I don't want to die. I don't care about these people, so all you have to do is go into the least likely place they would keep their children." "And where might that be?" he asks me. "I will show you where but I hope you are ready to climb," I say seriously and they nod as they start following me, but Ra'ees catches on and sounds a silent alarm. He knocks on the wood which causes a vibration and raises his hand in a fist.

I lead them to where all the mighty farm men could hide the easiest and with that silent alarm they are expecting a fight.

Soon, the fight is over because of the ambush and the men that came are killed for their actions.

Everyone sleeps in the highest trees and the nursery is moved higher into the trees.

Once the sun rises, everyone is awake and ready for the day to come.

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