Delilah and The Future

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I sit in the police car as we drive to the police station.

Once we arrive, I am escorted into a room.

"I remember you were telling me about Delilah," the police officer says kindly, "she was stolen from her parents by the prostitution den when she was...uhm...uh...a baby so she knew nothing else ever. She gained the trust of the people until they let her go out and she kept up to that until she realised she could not do it anymore because of you. She was the one that tipped us off and she knew she was going to die so she left a letter for you. She figured out a lot about your life and her life which helped us narrow down a lot of details to find the possible families that need to be our DNA starting point of testing."

I nod and stare at her in a daze, "So, who killed her?" "We know it is the gang because they thought she told on them but we cannot find them because they ran away due to this misunderstanding," the officer says honestly. I nod with tears in my eyes.

"The funeral is being held tomorrow because her family has come forward identifying her so you can attend that," the officer says kindly. I nod as water falls from my eyes.

"What now?" I ask with sadness.

"We need your blood to test for the families," the officer says kindly and I nod.

Sadly, I know what a needle is as we had to do medical exams constantly.

Soon, I am dropped at home.

I talk to my family about the funeral and they all agree to attend.

I start reading the letter that Delilah sent me as the night starts.

Dear Lavender,

I have a lot to say that I should have said earlier. I love you a lot and I know how much you want to be free. I have been planning to do so for years, seven to be exact, almost eight. I was taken into this place since birth and I remember nothing else but a guilty conscience of one of the people that gave me to the prostitution den told me everything. Almost everyone that was stolen comes from a rich family, mostly royal or noble families, from around the world because of the argument about who should be an heir. You are from a rich family because of this reason. So am I but I am sure once I tell the world about the den then I will not be able to see you again and will lose my life. To me though, it was worth everything. I just need you to know that the name you have gained was due to me and I knew that you would hate it if it came from them so I named you Lavender. No one questioned me or changed it. It is a beautiful name just like you are and it was my name back home. I found out alot but I didn't get far enough to find out enough about you. Anyone related to them is dangerous and anyone choosing to stay there is in on it. Do not trust anyone! Be safe in the real world with real people. I hope you get home.

Love Delilah, AKA Lavender

I sigh deeply as tears fall and I sleep with them falling down my face.

The next day, we all get ready to attend the funeral. The words of the letter are ingrained in my mind.

"You okay?" Kris asks me kindly. I nod as tears enter my vision again, "I am just going to go change." He nods as he lets go of me as we were hugging.

I wear lavender as my name entails as I love the name dearly now. It is beautiful and unique. My chosen name holds all the names that I hold dear to me.

Everyone gets into the car and I sit in silence as I watch the outside world carrying on with their lives while I mourn a true friend that did everything for me. She was so selfless and always will be that way in my mind no matter what anyone says at this funeral.

"Lavender?" everyone calls my name. I turn to look at them as my daze fades.

"Sorry," I say nervously, "what did you guys say?" "We are here," Kris says kindly.

I nod and get out of the car. I watch as they exchange concerned glances with each other.

Soon, we are all sitting in silence and then a trumpet sound rings out.

"Her Majesty, Queen Rose of Tesha. His Grace, Duke Wolf of Tesha. Her Grace, Duchess Lotus of Tesha," the man pauses and then continues, "Her Grace, Duchess Gula of Tesha. His Grace, Lord Cedric of Tesha."

Everyone turns to look at them

I look at them curiously as I hear a country I have never heard of before.

"Today we come to mourn the death of Her Grace, Lady Lavender of Tesha," the man states with sadness in his eyes, "Her Grace was not with the Duke and Duchess for long but made an impression on all the lives of those who knew her for that short period of time. If anyone who knows her would like to come forward, the family would be glad to hear about her."

I raise my hand and the man calls me forward.

"Morning everyone," I say nervously, "I am Lavender. I know Lavender as Delilah and will refer to her that way for the remainder of my speech. Delilah named me Lavender when she met me at seven. We were in the same situation. Neither of us had gotten to have a normal life as we had been taken away from our parents to be treated as nothing but she always saw the positive. She was my teacher, my sister, my friend and my protector. She wrote me a letter that I received recently where she explained that she did it all for me...all for me...uh...she died because of me...she wanted to save me and that is just who she was. I hope that gives you comfort since you know that she was still a great and resilient person despite everything that happened."

I stop and walk, more like run, off the platform and out into the park.

I sob uncontrollably among the trees and the flowers until I notice someone staring at me.

"Hi," she says kindly, "I am Lavender's mom." "Hi," I say as I wipe my tears. "You really loved her didn't you?" she asks kindly. I nod and keep wiping my tears. "I hope you find your family," she says as she pats me, "do you know your family?" "No," I say kindly, "I know that Delilah found out alot about my background so all I am sure of is that I am rich."

She smiles and nods at me then she leaves.

As I walk back, I bump into someone. I look up and Queen Rose is looking down at me.

"Sorry," I say and smile. She nods and walks past me.

Once we arrive home, I walk straight upstairs and lay in my bed staring at the outside world from my window. I remember those days when I would stare at the cement walls wondering when I would get to see what is outside.

I notice Kris staring at me from my open door.

"Talk to me Lavender," He says kindly. "That name will never be the same again," I say with tears in my eyes, "I cannot believe she could have had a great life if she lived after telling on the prostitution den and she would have taken me with her."

He sighs deeply. "It is not that I am not happy here," I say honestly, "I love you guys but I knew her longer and she was just twenty-four." He nods and smiles sadly, "I understand that you would not have known us so why should I feel bad about that but when you find your family. I know you're going home and that is the reality. I wish I could say the same for myself but I knew I would never have my family again."

I nod and hug him, "I am sorry but I wish you could find them. I wish it was possible." He starts crying and so do I.

After many weeks of waiting for information on the DNA test and grieving, the results were in.

Finally Free!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ