Fishing for Answers

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I wake up the next morning feeling dread and sadness inside me as I remember what happened last night.

I looked at him as we stood outside the courthouse and told him, "We have known each other for a short time. Yes, this marriage is still something I want but we need to wait a little while longer to register the marriage." "Is this cause of Kyle?" Radley asks me with concern. I nod, "It is one of the reasons but my dad will approve any marriage even if it is a random stranger as he wants me to take over the throne, but Kyle is a risk to your safety and mine. Imagine if we end up having a child. Until this is sorted out, I cannot register our marriage and we need to keep it secret." He nodded sadly and kissed me, then we went home to tell my family as well as his brother what we decided to do. Everyone agreed as they could not do much else.

I sigh deeply as I come out of that nightmare.

The ring is safely hidden with Magnolia as I trust her to hide it from anyone else as well as keep the news to herself.

The scary thing is that King Cosmos has no idea about Kyle or at least the full story about him.

I drag myself out of bed and make my way to grab a small meal so I can start preparing to make some fishing gear with Radley.

I make my way to the back of the house with the lake and the gardens when I spot Radley staring into the distance.

"You understand right?" I ask him as I sit next to him. He nods, "I guess not as fully as you do but I understand that you are worried about me and a possible child coming along while Kyle is still around." I smile at him and give him a quick kiss.

After gathering some materials, we start getting ourselves ready to make the fishing gear.

"I have a random question," Radley says nervously and I look at him assuring him that he can continue, "do you want a boy or a girl and what would you name it?" I think hard about the question as I fix some things together, "I have never been around boys that often so I am not so sure how to deal with them but it doesn't really matter to me what I have. As for names, remember that flower we found? The, usually, red flower that was pink?" He nods, "Middlemist Red Camellia." "Camellia?" I ask him and he smiles. "I guess you like names with meaning," he says with a smile as I laugh lightly, "any others?" "I thought of Dandelion, Amaryllis, Hisbiscus etc," I say honestly, "but for boys...I will have to think hard about those." He nods as he continues working, "What about Damask?" I turn to look at him once again, "What does it mean?" "It means beauty and love," he says honestly and then gets back to work.

I sigh after some time as the sun begins to set. I turn to look at him again and say, "What will we do about Kyle?" "We could beat him at his own game," Radley says sincerely but I shake my head. "It did not work last time and it will not work this time," I say seriously, "was he born here?" "So learn about him," Radley says as he catches up with my thinking, "or his family." I nod as we make our way inside to get searching through history books.

"So many enemies," King Cosmos says seriously as he enters the library, "when will you deal with them all?" I sigh as I remember the other people that pose a threat to my safety and the safety of any children I may have, "One threat at a time. One I can deal with and one I cannot right now." "I know more than you think," King Cosmos says seriously. I turn to look at him with a serious expression, "So tell me." "All I can say is that both enemies are connected and that you should really get to know your mother more," he says seriously and I look at him with annoyance. "Your clues are so annoying," I say with frustration, "I sent Kris for the medical and it is taking time so I do not fully trust you yet." He smiles mischievously as I make my way out of the room with Radley trailing behind me.

I go to my mother as she is sitting in the garden watching the fireflies. I smile at her as I come closer to her. Once I am by her, I sit down.

"I had a question," I look at her and ask so she turns to give me her attention, "do you know the people who took me?" My mother nods with tears in her eyes, "I knew some people from that country and I knew what they did to children in that country," she says honestly, "but we were great friends. He had a son that was four years older than you and we just hung out with each other. It was mostly so I could find out about why they were attacking our people, but...things went wrong and I know it was him who took you." "What was his son's name?" I ask her with fear in my heart. "Kyle," she says honestly and my heart starts pounding at the thought. "Do you know anything else about him?" I ask her with hope in my heart but she shakes her head. "All I know is that he comes from The Kingdom of Hydrangea," she says honestly but I can tell she is hiding something from me.

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