Plants and Trees Everywhere

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My father's words echo in my mind as I lay on my bed as the morning sun starts to rise. You will make an excellent queen. You will not be great. You will be different and that is what we need.

I sigh as I gather myself together for the day ahead. I think about what the doctor had told me and my family about the child being born somewhere around October as well as about the previous day's events.

I want to help Ceril, but maybe not to the extent that I had planned anymore. I want to help everyone and I will, but it will all take time. Everything takes time. Sadly, no one is willing to wait for the time.

Thankfully, today is a break but since I woke up so late most of the day is gone so I barely have time left to enjoy it. I just eat in my room with Radley as we lay beside each other until the next day arrives.

On the next day, it is time to plant some trees in the most industrial areas of the country. Sadly, I was told that I cannot bend or pick up the tree or anything so it is going to be a long day of standing, smiling and waving.

After breakfast, which I eat in my room so as to not let anyone in on my pregnancy, we get on some horses and make our way to the edge of the Gamboge territory at high speed. Once we arrive, we get to work. People start digging, planting, watering and more. I stand beside Radley as he does all the hard work so I can just water the tree.

The lush green trees ranged from apple trees, orange trees, olive trees and much more.

We camp there overnight and go into the town the very next day. Throughout the night I stared at the starry sky and laid on the ground with my guards standing guard nearby while others found nearby rooms that could be rented. My parents were not too happy about it and Radley was not too eager about it either.

The very next day, as we tour around, Citrus turns to us and gathers our attention.

"Look around for items you would like to use in cooking because tomorrow we will cook for the entire town to enjoy," Citrus says kindly and everyone nods in agreement.

Radley walks alongside me and my guards as we make our way through the town.

"What are you thinking of making?" he asks me curiously. I laugh, "Why? You have no ideas and want to work with me instead?" He nods, "Honestly, yes. I don't think cooking is my thing. Well, I will only know once I take that test you all take." I look at him curiously, "What do you mean?" "Since I am to be king here, I have to follow custom which means that I have to do the tests and earn the grades as well," he says kindly and I nod with a smile. "Well, I like to bake so that is what I am going to do. Want to help?" I ask him kindly and he nods excitedly as we start picking out ingredients.

Soon, the day comes to an end and we return back to our campsite to rest for the final day until we have to prepare the food for the town.

Once the sun starts shining, everyone gets up and starts preparing dishes.

Some make cakes, curries, pies, pizza, stews, tacos, sandwiches and more delicacies of the state that I cannot name at this moment.

As soon as all the food is done, we start handing it out in limited quantities. We allow some to come back for seconds as long as none of the food is wasted.

We leave soon after as everyone bids us goodbye. The townspeople are very thankful for the food and I just know that my tiredness is worth it.

As soon as we arrive home, we find the maids running about as they pack clothes and carry bags around.

I head to my room and decide to rest for the rest of the day.

"Are you ready to face the Ponceau's?" Radley asks me kindly as he walks into the room. I shake my head, "No, but I feel worse for Magnolia because she has to deal with the constant talks of marriage." "Do you know much about them?" he asks me curiously. I shake my head again, "No, I have done some research but visiting them will help me learn a lot more," I say nervously.

Knock Knock

The maids walk in with food that is overflowing off of the trays.

Radley laughs at the sight then I glare at him. Once they set it down, I run towards it all.

"Ugh," he says in disgust, "you have some weird cravings." "Hey," I say with annoyance, "you don't know my life from before so don't judge."

"You like oats?" he asks me as he tries not to gag, "and literally one ton of sweets, fries and then you have a salad." I laugh at his words, "I don't eat like this everyday, honest." "Fine," he says kindly as he joins in on the meal.

We head to bed soon after and once we wake up then I take my vitamins, eat breakfast and get ready for the journey to Ponceau's.

I, along with others, bid everyone goodbye and then get into the carriage alongside Radley. As we travel past the beautiful forests, I stare at their beauty and think about missing their green hue. As we cross the river, the moon is our only light and we arrive two days later since we left Gamboge.

As we arrive, I think about how different the cultures are, the dressing, the food and the surroundings of each of the areas we have visited so far. I realise that I really need to learn more about these cultures and how I can better communicate with these people as well.

We exit the carriage and there are a few people standing there waiting to meet us while the maids gather all the bags to take to all our rooms.

"Your Majesties and Highnesses," Duke Caelus says with a fake smile as he bows as little as possible, "and everyone else here." Duchess Thea just curtsies and follows her husband through the crowd of guests that have arrived.

His sons follow and greet us. Apollo and Helios bow deeply and respectfully greet everyone except Magnolia. Poor Magnolia looks to me for support but I cannot do anything as other guests keep on coming to greet me. She is overwhelmed by their attention.

Marquess of Ponceau comes forward and he bows politely and then the Count comes with his wife to greet me as well as the others.

Next, the Viscountess comes forward with her husband. They smile brightly as they greet me kindly and then move on.

As the Baroness comes with her husband and greets me, I notice that there are only two boys that will be here.

The lack of children concerns me a lot as I think about the stories that I have heard about this family, especially.

Once that is over, we all head to bed because we know that the ball will be held to introduce the boys once again to society.

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