Ambushed Ball

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I sigh deeply as we start travelling for the day because the lake starts to disappear and No Mans Land starts to appear. The sun starts to disappear as we drive through the night. I remember that I was supposed to talk to Radley about the country and its way of doing things but I decide to do that later as my father and Radley's brother are staring at us.

"Are you guys going to tell us the plan?" King Cosmos asks with annoyance. I nervously look at Radley and say, "We thought about it and we think that ambushing Kyle is the best solution." "And what does that include?" my father asks me seriously. "The guards would have to hide far away from me and I would go alone on Ruby into a forest nearby since that is where he hides so that we can capture him but there are risks," I say nervously and my father glares at me. "Is it the fact that your father could lose you all over again?" King Cosmos says seriously and I nod while glaring at him. My father shakes his head, "Just let this guy go and live your life." "I don't think you understand, father," I say seriously, "he will never leave me or my family alone until the day I die or until I am with him. I have known whole life and obsessed" My father sighs deeply, "We will try this plan but if it goes badly...and I find you again...I will not let you do anything other than what I say." "Seriously?" I say but then I realise that I have faith in my plan so I say, "fine."

Once morning came, every carriage stopped and everyone went for a walk on the beach nearby.

Radley and I go further than others.

"I hope this goes well," I say seriously and Radley looks at me with fear in his eyes. "Can you not do a favor for me?" he asks me and I look at him, "can you not marry me before you do this?" "Why?" I ask him as I see the pain in his eyes. "If something does go wrong," he says seriously, "I want to know that we atleast got registered as married." I look at him and smile, "Seriously? Why?" "I just...I do not know," he says seriously and I sigh, nodding. "But we cannot tell anyone else," I say seriously. He nods and smiles brightly.

On the way back to the carriage, he kisses me softly and we sit with my father and Radley's brother so as to not make it suspicious if Kyle is watching us.

A total of five days later, we make it to the Duchess' home. It is the third of February when we arrive at her home.

The Duchess makes her way out of the home with people from the higher class coming out from behind her.

I make my way out of the carriage and everyone lines up to meet me and my family, the King of Freesia and his brother, the Gamboge and Aureolin family as well.

"I am Duchess Ezmeralda," the Duchess says kindly as she curtsies, "it is such an honour to have you and your family here with us during this season." She then moves on to introduce herself to other young ones.

Marchioness of Celadon comes forward and introduces herself, "It is nice meeting you. I hope you can survive among the Celadon family." I laugh as she makes her way to others.

Count of Celadon comes forward, "I am the Count of Celadon, this is my wife and my oldest child, Honourable Loki 17." I smile at all of them, "Nice meeting you all."

Viscount of Celadon just smiles, bows and moves on to the next person.

Baroness of Celadon comes to me and says, "It is so nice to meet you. This is my husband and my son, Honourable Abraxas 18. My other son, Amphion, and my daughter, Aria, will be in the next season." I smile at her, "It is so nice meeting you all and I am sure we will catch up later."

Once that is done, we make our way into the home as the events will start the day after the ball tomorrow.

Late in the evening with no one watching, Radley and I go to sign our names into the registry. Once we get home, we go our separate ways like we always do. We get the rest we need until the plan must be implemented on the night of the ball when everyone will least expect it.

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