Pregnancy Dilemma

Start from the beginning

"Tomorrow," my father says seriously as I sit on my bed beside Radley, "is the hunting competition which is done on horseback. How do we go about hiding this from the public as horse riding can be dangerous?" A knock is heard and the doctor walks in as well.

"It is not too dangerous to horse ride while pregnant, especially this early, but we can take all the necessary precautions to keep her womb in place and protect her if she falls," the doctor says without even greeting anyone. Everyone looks concerned, but leaves it at that as the doctor walks out.

"Will we be in teams or separate?" I ask nervously. He shrugs, "I am not sure about that yet."

We both head to bed in silence as we wait for the morning to arrive so we can get these next few months over with as quickly as possible.

Once I open my eyes, I get up and run to the bathroom as my insides come out. I sigh deeply as I hope the maids have not arrived yet. Radley is getting up now as he heard me throwing up.

He holds up my hair as I throw up some more.

Knock Knock

"Who is it?" Radley asks loudly. "Magnolia and the doctor," Magnolia says kindly. "Come in," Radley says politely as I grab some tissue to wipe my mouth. "Ugh," I say seriously, "I hate this." Magnolia smirks, "Glad it is not me." "Yet," I say seriously and she frowns.

Soon, they help me get ready in my riding gear. Then, we all make our way to the stables where my beautiful horse awaits.

"This competition," Duke Citrus announces, "will be in teams of three. It is a test of teamwork as some challenges will be found on the way. Remember that you are not hunting real animals but targets this year as we have noticed that some important wildlife has been harmed in the past years. On each target, there will be a note that will determine a bonus or a disadvantage that will have to be resolved before continuing. We will be watching you." Everyone laughs as everyone is split into teams.

"Also," Duchess Nerola announces, "whoever is the extra will be deemed to gain a special role which entails keeping track of score for each team." Some people giggle while others burst out laughing while still others roll their eyes.

After some time, Duke Citrus comes back with a paper split into 7 teams.

"These were at random so here it goes," Duke Citrus says kindly.

Viscountess of Gamboge
King Cosmos
King Peony

Grp 2:
Queen Rose
Crown Princess Anthurium
Viscount of Gamboge

Grp 3:
Princess Magnolia
Prince Aster
Baron Hale

Grp 4:
Baron of Gamboge
Duke Citrus

Grp 5:
Baron Tobin
Duchess Nerola
Baroness Azalea

Grp 6:
Countess of Gamboge
Baroness of Gamboge
Baron of Aureolin

Grp 7:
Baron Oberon
Baroness of Aureolin
Prince Radley

Lantana: Scorekeeper

Everyone gathers into their group, but I feel tense. Even though I want to laugh at Duke Lantana, I honestly wish I was him right now.

Group-by-group went to gather their horses, but when it was my turn Ruby was acting strange like she just knew that I am pregnant. I sighed, trying to calm her down so we could get this over with.

Soon, we were on our way and there were many targets awaiting us as we took our path.

My mother, the viscount and I decided we would take turns shooting as well as collecting the clues.

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