Fingers Crossed

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~|| CHAPTER 5 ||~

"Anaisha and Reyansh. Listen to me."

"Yes, ma."

"Especially Anaisha. You are the youngest daughter-in-law of this family now. You have many responsibilities on top of you. I understand that. But, make sure you always prioritize everything on your list. I don't know what happened between you and Aahana but look at her today. She looked lifeless. She should always come first on your list. Always. Our relationship has formed after but your relationship with her was since birth. Just do anything but make her happy and back to her normal self. We all know, she hates us all except for Abheer. The one reason she used to eat dinner with us all at the family table together was because of you. Whenever you used to come visit, she didn't want you to doubt our bonds with her and she used to compromise just for you. She used to eat with us and act all happy so you would be satisfied and not worry about her. Now, please tell me why did you fight with her?"

Listening to this, Anaisha started narrating the entire story of what had taken place yesterday night. After absorbing all of the information, Reshma turned to Rey and asked him to call all the brothers to his room.

"Including Rudraksh."

Rey ran downstairs and patted each brother's back which signified them that something was about to happen.


These words were enough for the legs of the brothers to start taking the plight of stairs. In a few seconds, a group of 5 had surrounded Reshma. She ushered the brothers into Rey's room and asked Anaisha to go back to the dining hall.

As she strode into the room, an aura of confidence enveloped her, commanding the attention of everyone present. Her presence alone seemed to alter the atmosphere as if the very air had grown more charged. Her gaze, sharp and unyielding, swept across the space, her eyes locking onto each individual with a magnetic intensity that left no room for doubt. Every step she took exuded a quiet determination, the echo of a thousand battles won and obstacles conquered.

"Ok. I will start with all of you individually. Reyansh, you first."

"Yes, Ma."

"See, you are just newlywed. So take things carefully and slowly. I know you are going to say this is not a real marriage. I know that. But Anaisha has always been your best friend, right? As a friend try making her comfortable with all this. She must be feeling very overwhelmed with the new roles and responsibilities. Get her chocolates or flowers sometimes. Make her happy. Understood? Abheer, now you."

"Ok, Mom."

" I don't have much to say to you. No offense, you are the only son of mine who is doing anything right. All I have to say is continue that and see where your relationship is going. If you like her, that's great. The process of falling in love will be smooth and simple for you. Adhir beta, now you."

"Fingers crossed, mom"

"Yes, mother dear."

"First, stop this. And please please at least start your relationship with Raima. Whenever I have seen her with you, there is a sense of discomfort within her. We all know she hates men. Establish your trust in her. We got you married to her as you said. Now, treat her how she deserves to be treated. Like a queen. She thinks we are against her and got her married to you forcefully. But we all know what the truth is. It's time you tell her the truth. Don't let her live in a lie. Of all people, I know what's it like."

With the last words, her demeanor shifted abruptly, a shadow passing over her features like a dark cloud obscuring the sun. A haunted look crept into her eyes, stealing away their previous light. As if caught in an invisible vice, her breath grew shallow, each inhalation a struggle against the weight of her resurfacing memories. Her gaze fixed on a distant point, unseeing yet painfully aware, as if she were being pulled against her will into a nightmarish abyss. Her fingers clenched into fists, nails digging into her palms, the physical pain a feeble attempt to anchor herself in the present. Slowly but steadily, she propelled back to her normal self as she a look of panic being shared among the brother.

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