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~|| CHAPTER 1 ||~


In a whirlwind of camera flashes and frenzied excitement, the paparazzi descended upon the enchanting reception like a swarm of eager fireflies illuminating the night sky. Armed with their high-powered lenses and insatiable thirst for celebrity sightings, they positioned themselves strategically to capture every glimmering detail of the lavish occasion. The grand hall, adorned with opulent floral arrangements and twinkling fairy lights, became the center of attraction of this impromptu spectacle. The photographers' keen eyes darted from one moment to the next, freezing the smiles of delighted guests, and the emotional exchanges between friends and family. Undeterred by the intimacy of the occasion, they navigated discreetly through the crowd, determined to seize candid glimpses of the star-studded event.

The three elder daughters-in-law also served the same fate as that of the paparazzi. They maneuvered around like mad men, prancing around at the speed of Usain Bolt trying to craft a magical setting fit for this reception. After a while, their legs began to protest the constant motion they were subjected to, expressing their exhaustion through a subtle yet unmistakable weakness. Accepting defeat, they settled down on the beige-colored sofa set placed in the middle of the Mansion's hall. As they gazed upon this modern luxurious sofa set, they couldn't help but be captivated by its allure. It stood as a testament to the seamless fusion of contemporary style and timeless luxury, an exquisite addition to any space, beckoning you to experience the epitome of modern comfort and elegance.

"Can't feel my legs! JUST can't feel my legs, ugh!" exclaimed Aahana.

"Oh, wait! Just your legs, I thought you couldn't even feel your brain, considering that you never use it." deadpanned Raima.

"Guys, please, don't start today. It's Reyansh's reception. Please refrain yourselves. It would be so peaceful, wouldn't it?" suggested Rakshita meekly. Rakshita was truly the epitome of every good adjective known to humankind. Her demeanor is characterized by a soft-spoken nature and a genuine, heartwarming smile that instantly puts others at ease. Her presence is like a soothing balm, creating a tranquil atmosphere wherever she goes. Yet, it doesn't seem to work on these ever, one being her dearest best friend and another being her elder bhabhi who she respected so much.

"Please, ya Rakshi. Don't start! Just cause u wanna act unaware of everything doesn't mean, I would too. We both know why this wedding is happening. This isn't a joyful bonding of family members and friends. It's all an act, remember! Do you think he loves Anaisha? Love is for brainless nincompoops. News flash: he doesn't love her. He is only doing this to show himself as a wife-oriented man to the media." snapped Raima. She just couldn't act fake for other people, she has done enough acting for a lifetime. To those who can't tell, Raima hates things in this world, especially men. Her animosity towards males is a puzzling facet of her personality, stemming perhaps from her past experiences. As an astrophysicist, she navigates the predominantly male-dominated field with a tenacity that defies societal expectations and stereotypes. Her determination to prove herself and break barriers might have shaped her outlook on men, fostering a guarded stance that few can penetrate.

Aahana's lips were sealed instantly after the words of Raima. Yes, she might not care about anybody on this Earth, but that list didn't include her sister. Her sister, Anaisha, defies expectations with her unique blend of innocence, protectiveness, and unwavering firmness. Anaisha has an aura of purity and naivety that is both endearing and captivating, like a delicate flower blooming amidst a storm. That one person that Aahana genuinely cared about was getting trapped in a hell hole of a marriage only because she wanted to help her best friend in gaining popularity in the fictional world of acting. Her sister was too sweet to notice that she was being taken advantage of as she loved her best friend to the ends of the world. No matter how many times did Aahana convince her not to do this, she was adamant. Alas, what could she even do now that the marriage is over and the reception is taking place in the evening? All she wished for is a lifetime of happiness for her sister even at the expense of her sanity.

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