You Wanna Hold my Hand? (Scott)

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*I have never watched this show before, and I'm only on the 3rd episode so please bear with me!

I pulled my flannel on before walking outside with the rest of the Cliffhangers. I sat in between Scott and Auggie as we all did our math homework together. When I got to a question I couldn't answer I tapped my pencil nervously on my paper.

"(y/n), will you stop?" Shelby shouts and I quickly grasp my pencil in my hand tighter.

"Sorry!" I apologize and Scott looks over at us and then at me. He looks over at my paper and leans into my ear.

"Need some help?" He asks and I shyly nod. He moves in a little closer to look over my paper and tries to explain the problem to me. "Okay so you seem to be wanting to divide, where you want to multiply, but if you just take this number and stick it here, and do the correct steps in multiplying you should get the correct answer." He explains, "does that make sense?" He asks looking at me with his blue eyes that showed kindness but a deep rooted sadness.

I nod with a smile and take my pencil back from him, "yeah, thanks!" I say and he smiles softly and nods before going back to his own work.

As we worked mostly in silence my hand fell under the table and accidentally brushed against Scott's. Instead of jerking his hand away like I thought he would he in actuality did the exact opposite. He brushed his fingers tentatively along my arm until they reached my hand.

His fingers threaded through my own and he squeezed my hand. He was holding my hand; he was actually holding my hand!

I felt my heart skip a beat and I felt like I couldn't breathe. He was holding my hand willingly, the cutest boy in the world? The fact that he didn't have to but the fact that he had wanted to made my stomach flutter with glee.

When I looked up at Scott he hadn't taken his eyes off his paper but I could just make out the subtle curve of his mouth into a soft, content smile. I continued to work as he continued to hold my hand.

I had had a crush on him since he got here; me and every other girl! How could they not? He was cute, sensitive, athletic, and smart; I didn't blame them, I had fallen and I had fallen hard.

Scott glanced up to see me looking at him and his smirk drew wider. Because in actuality he liked me too.

Please tell me your thoughts on how I portrayed the character. Did I do the character justice, I would really like to know?

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