41. Nightmare

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Black haired little boy, Rhaenyra named him Jacaerys. Jace Strong. Harwin stared down at the babe. Aislynn could see him trying to justify it, the timing was all wrong but he had black of hair.

Then Aislynn gave birth within the same moon, a little boy, silver hair, violet eyes. Aemond Hightower... Targaryen. Aemond was the sweetest thing. The twins doted on him kissing his cheek and tapping on his little toes. Aemond stared up at them in amazement. Aislynn of course loved it.

Alicent gave birth to a little girl a few moons later. Michael and Alicent were going to be the best of parents, Aislynn could already tell. Linnae. Dark hair like Alicent and Aislynn, deep green eyes and the cutest little laugh. Linnae gravitated towards Aemond, of course she did. Aemond was little stud in the making.

Harwin did the loving father bit. He was a good guy of course he was going to do the good guy act. But Aislynn could tell he was annoyed. Criston tried to keep his distance but this kid was his, he knew it.

"It is easier to pass off as Harwins, can you imagine if she wed Laenor?" Aislynn questioned.

"Nightmare." Tommy agreed. Aislynn pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"You see why I have my rules when it comes to us?" Aislynn whispered.

"Of course I do. I knew it before but this, even though Criston and Harwin's dark hair won out... you and me..."

"The twins have streaks of red." Aislynn reminded him. "My children want to be red heads like me."

"I want one to be ours." Tommy whispered kissing her as the door opened, she leaned into him as Otto came in.

"How is my favorite daughter?"

"Dont let Ali hear you say that." Aislynn mused.

"Aemond, he's a handsome little lad." Otto remarked scooping him up. Tommy grumbled, it seemed like their time together was always shrinking. He wanted Aislynn to himself again.

"He is, got those hightower looks." Aislynn agreed.

"How are you feeling?"

"It's been three moons, I'm good." Aislynn assured. "Ali and Michael are adjusting to parenting but lucky for them Linnae is a little angel."

"I was just with them, Alicent seems happy." Otto agreed. "MIchael is good for her."

"I'm glad she found a man like him, he's sweet." Aislynn declared. Otto rocked Aemond in his arms. "Whats wrong daddio?"

"I messed up, Aislynn." Otto remarked.


"With you, Tom, all of you. After your mother passed." Otto admitted.

"No you didnt." tommy assured.

"You were grown," Otto offered.

"I was a boy, I wasnt a man yet." Tommy offered. "Father, you did the best you could while losing the woman you loved most in the world."

"And you joined the kings guard-"

"Queen's guard." Tommy corrected.

"So you might only find comfort in whores and never fall in love for the risk of losing someone was too great?" Otto pondered. Aislynn gave Tommy's thigh a squeeze.

"I love Aislynn and the thought of her being here without me, surrounded by strangers, people I dont know to look out for her, protect her," Tommy shook his head. "Never. I love AIslynn." Otto nodded.

"YOu two have always been close." Otto agreed. Tommy was one sentence short from saying I fuck Aislynn regularly it seemed and Otto probably still wouldnt have seen it.


Tommy lifted Aemond up into the air and he smiled down at him. Aislynn smiled back at him. Viserys put a hand on her back, leaning into her.

"Your brother is so good with the kids." Viserys remarked.

"He is." Aislynn agreed. "He's a big kid himself sometimes." Aislynn mused. Tommy smiled back at her as he held Aemond up.

AIslynn did love Viserys, she truly did. But it was easy to love someone and hurt them as well. It was easier maybe to hurt the people you love.

Aislynn didnt want to hurt Tommy by falling for Viserys but he was a good man, a good husband, a decent king. There was peace, what more could the realms ask for.

"Have you spoken to Rhaenyra much since her birth?" Aislynn questioned.

"Her and Ser Harwin are getting along well, I'm proud of them. I'm glad you convinced me to let them wed. Corlys is still not happy-"

"But he never is." Aislynn cut in.

"Thats right." Viserys agreed. "Rhaenyra, she hasnt been around much, I assume her and harwin are enjoying being new parents." Viserys smiled kissing her cheek. Aislynn nodded. They were, they had an heir, a male heir at that. Jacaerys Cole... Strong.

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now