30. By Order of the Queen

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Aislynn woke up screaming bloody murder.

Tommy was the first to get help. He had been with aislynn when she screamed out cussing up a storm.

"Baby." Was the only word tommy understood. It was time. The baby was coming.

"Its the middle of the night we shouldnt wake the king-"

"Like hell you wont!" Aislynn barked back. "If i have to be awake at this unGodly hour than so the fuck does he!" Aislynn demanded.

"Yes your grace."

"And be snappy about it!" Aislynn demanded.

She thought delivering the second baby would be easier but she was pushing and pushing and Viserys was instructed to be awake and present, pacing outside the whole damn time. Otto stayed up pacing beside Viserys. Alicent woke up at the screams, she was going on the tour with Rhaenyra, accompanying her and she was so excited but she wanted to be here for the baby first. 

Aislynn was sure the maester and nurses had heard worse than the shit she called them as she delivered her baby boy. Tommy kissed her cheek and she whimpered out. 

But the sound she made when they said keep pushing, twins, was that of another realm, another world. She screamed shaking the room it seemed. 

TOmmy, much to Aislynn's dismay crouched between her legs catching the second of the twins but Aislynn didnt have the strength to yell at him. TOmmy looked up at her victoriously, he held up a baby girl. Dark auburn hair like Aislynn and little silver streaks in her hair. 

Aislynn sobbed out. Tommy put her baby girl in her arms. She looked more closely at her son and laughed through her sobs. Her son had silver hair much like Aegon did but one little streak of auburn. 

Tommy knew realistically that the kids were not his, Aislynn made sure that there was no penetration until after she was pregnant but they were so much different from Aegon, Aislynn's hightower genes really shone through.  Tommy helped clean her up, running a cold rag over her face. He dragged it over her sweaty chest as well. 

"Send him in." Aislynn agreed when Viserys knocked. Tommy begrudgingly left her side. Otto pushed past Viserys. Aislynn was his daughter after all. 

"Oh honey- Twins!" Otto declared. 

"Oh, Aislynn," Viserys coed. "You did wonderfully," 

"I did." Aislynn agreed. "Look at their hair," She added. 

"beautiful, perfect just like you." viserys agreed and Tommy clenched his jaw, he couldnt be jealous, Aislynn was married not to himself. Yet as Viserys smiled into Aislynn touching their daughters little head Tommy felt sick. 

AIslynn smiled back at him but he couldnt look at her, he headed out and AIslynn understood. Alicent came in, sleepy eyed but like a good sister she sat beside Aislynn hugging her gently. 

"They are beautiful Lynnie!" Alicent whispered excitedly. The twins were placed on Aislynn's chest but Viserys picked up their son, smiling up at him. 

"I named them." Aislynn added softly. Her daughter fell right back asleep on her chest while her son wiggled in Viserys arms, whining out. "Aegon didnt like being held up either." Aislynn recalled and Viserys nodded holding their son close and he stopped squirming. "For this little girl, I was thinking-"

"You picked names for both and now you get to use both!" Alicent remarked. "Like a dream come true."

"DId not feel like dream come true pushing them out." Aislynn corrected. 

"You picked named,  did you?" Viserys questioned. 

"AIslynn the king-" Otto remarked but tommy shook his head. 

"He got to name aegon, I get to name the next ones." Aislynn corrected. "I already deemed it."

"Of course, my dearest." Viserys agreed. "What did you have in mind?" 

"Anari," Aislynn remarked and a smile curved Otto's face. "And Jaeton." 

"Thats lovely." Viserys agreed. 

"Glad you approve because I wasnt changing it." AIslynn agreed. It was a tying few days adjusting to twins and Aegon and Alicent was a big help but Aislynn knew that she wanted to join Rhaenyra for her tour. 

"Are you packed up?" 

"I am." Alicent agreed slowly. 

"And yet you are still here and Rhaenyra is begrudgingly getting ready to leave." Aislynn remarked, Anari straped to her chest. 

"I dont want to leave you, you have three children." Alicent corrected. 

"Yes and i will still hopefully have three children when you return." Aislynn mused. 

"I'm serious. I want to help you." ALicent remarked. 

"And I want you to go and meet some cute boys, kiss a few of them, have some fun. Fun with your best friend. Cause a bit of trouble, I'm sending Art with you he will look out for you, keep you safe." Aislynn instructed. 

"Are you sure, Lynnie?" 

"Have fun. Thats an order." Aislynn declared hugging her. "by order of the queen." 

"THis is fun." Alicent remarked. "I am having fun. Aislynn was right, I'm so glad I came with. This is so much fun!" 

"This is not fun." Rhaenyra corrected, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Yes it is, look at all these men that-"

"Want my crown."

"It's aislynns right now." Alicent whispered. "Come on this is so fun!"

"You can fall in love then, I am not finding my future husband here."

"Maybe I will." Alicent agreed looking around. Maybe she could find love.

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now