22. Mine

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Dragons keep growing until the day they die. Which is why the older they get the bigger they are the more whether their skin is. It becomes harder for them to carry their weight does they get older. Which is why it takes more effort and they sleep like cats in a sense.

Aislynn stared back at the dragon egg, Aegon's egg. Aegon smiled back at her before crawling towards her. 

"My!" Aegon reminded her touching the egg with a little hand. 

"Yours." Aislynn agreed. "I can't wait for a baby dragon." 

"My mama." Aegon said pointing at Aislynn. 

"Me!" AIslynn agreed peppering his face with kisses. "My handsome little man." Aegon smiled giggling back at her. "My Aegon, my Aegon!" 

"Mama," Aegon repeated pointing at her. 

"Aegon," Aislynn declared tapping his nose. 

"mama!"  They went back and forth for what seemed like an hour and Aislynn loved every second of it. 

"How long have they been like that?" Viserys questioned. Tommy's gaze shifted to him slowly. He was leaning up against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest, his leg bent over the other casually. 

"A while." Tommy answered turning his gaze back to Aislynn. 

"She is such a wonderful mother." Viserys remarked. 

"She is." Tommy agreed. TOmmy was a good looking man, he never thought he would be competing with anyone for Aislynn's attention or love. Let alone Viserys. Tommy didnt know what Aislynn saw in her husband but he supposed he was supposed to be happy that Aislynn was happy when she wasnt with him. 

"Did she tell you the good news?" Viserys questioned softly as Finn barreled past them wrapping his arms around Aislynn from behind, she laughed out tipping forward. 

"FINNN!" Aegon declared pointing at Finn. 

"Hey buddy," Finn said giving aislynn a sloppy kiss on the cheek. 

"Someone is in a goofy mood today." Aislynn remarked pulling Finn into her lap. 

"What news?" Tommy countered. 

"Aislynn is pregnant again." Viserys said happily. Tommy blinked back at him. 

"That's..." Tommy felt sick. 

"I know, wonderful." viserys agreed. "Excuse me." Viserys moved past him. He sat in the couch behind them reaching out and twirling a strand of Aislynn's hair, she smiled back at him before noticing Tommy brooding in the doorway. 

"Hi Tom," Aislynn purred. "You coming in or just going to stand there?"

"I have to... congratulations Aislynn. What good news." Tommy remarked as he headed out his voice broke. Aislynn wanted to get up to chase after him to tell him she wanted to be the one to tell him, but clearly he knew and she had Finn in her lap, Aegon in front of her beating on her knees like dumbs, Viserys behind her playing with her hair. Aislynn leaned back into Viserys, they had to end things. TOmmy and her needed to end things but how to end things with your brother?

Tommy would always be her family, she would always love him, she wanted him, she loved him still. She was the queen if she couldnt have two men she wanted then what was the damn point of being queen?

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now