Bonus Ending

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Steve's talking to someone on his phone at the balcony while Natasha was preparing lunch. He walked in and kissed on her cheek," Nat, you remember Rachel? The girl was working with me for few months?" She hummed in response and he grabbed her shoulders turning her towards him," She's getting married next month, so we've a invitation to join, in Paris. "

She shrugged off," So what?"

He hesitated," I was thinking know...we can go together? But...forget can't take break now, so...yeah. "

She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to her so their faces are only inches apart. Even after being married since last five years, she can still make him blush and stutter over his words, and she takes full pride on it. " Rogers, you were the one who told me how to balance our life. Yes, my work wouldn't allow me to take a long break for few weeks, but I've learnt how to make time for myself, for our family. We'll definitely attend her wedding. She's a very sweet girl and I'd hate to upset her in a big of her life. " She smile at him with a kiss of assurance.

The beep from the door pulled their attention and Bucky walked in, and the little girl in two pony tails tried to hide behind his legs. Bucky cleared his throat when he saw his bestfriend and his wife are looking at him with a small glare as their daughter has a tube of icecream in her hand. " Guys, don't get mad at her."

Natasha shook her head and pulled out from her husband's grasp and smiled at her daughter," Sarah? Honey, come here."

She walked up to her mother stumbling on her little feets and stood there with a pout. Natasha took her in her arm and sat in the couch. She took the icecream from her hand and placed it on the table before wiping her face. " What happened today?"

Sarah refused to look at her mother," I'm saawrry. "

" Why?"

She didn't answer. Natasha looked at Bucky, he shook his head," She broke someone's nose today in her playschool."

The Rogers' couple screamed in unison," What?!"

Natasha lifted Sarah's chin and looked at her," Sweetheart, why would you do that? You're not a bad girl."

Sarah frowned at her mother," But Rick called funny names to Joseph and he cried. "

Bucky chuckled shaking his head," Yeah, that's apparently what happened. And when that kid, Rick started crying, then Jos and Mila started crying as well. It was a mess. "

Steve walked up to the mother-daughter duo and his daughter quickly jumped into his arm," Sarah, Joseph is your cousin, he's your brother, but in school every other kid is your friend. If Rick called funny names to Joseph, then you shouldn't have hit him. "

" But I heard once you were telling mummy that we fight for people we love. And I love Jos and I fight for him. " She mumbled quietly.

The adults laughed softly. Steve caressed her hairs," Yes, we fight for the people we love. But we also don't harm others. That's mean. Okay? Joseph is your cousin, and what is Rick?"

" My classmate and friend. "

" Right." Steve praised," So you'll say sorry and shake your hand with him?" She nodded obediently. " Then who got you icecream?"

" Uncle Buck. "

" Mila!" Bucky gasped playfully," We had a deal not to let your parents know about it. "

" But lying is bad thing. " She defended her point.

" Exactly!" Her parents supported her.

Bucky rolled her eyes," They wouldn't stop crying, then Jos asked for icecream so I couldn't say no to her as well. "

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