12. A Clue, Finally!

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And then comes the two weeks of phase where Steve didn't visit red mansion. He worked constantly in Melina's New Life association tower with the assist of FRIDAY. And he figured something big.

Pierce wasn't working alone. He was working with someone who's still in USA.  They tried to override the SHIELD database, to leak private files to other country's Interpol. So he started to search from the bottom. If he could find the roots, he could easily get to the leafs.

Meanwhile, Natasha was gathering herself. After getting hit by a strong betrayal, she didn't want to hold herself back anymore. She wants to come out.

With shaky movements, she stepped out if her room, in her normal clothing. She walked downstairs to the dining hall where her other three family members were having breakfast, in complete silence, like some starangers. It's everything but a family.

She cleared her throat," Breakfast. "

Others looked at her stunned. After a moment of shock, Alexi stood up from his seat and rushed towards her. " Ofcourse! Come on. Have a seat. Mrs Miller?! Get her breakfast ready. " And he told the maid who's smiling widely.

He pulled a chair for her and she sat beside Yelena, across Melina and Alexi, rather awkwardly. Because her supposed to be sister and mother are looking at her raising their eyebrows. Mrs Miller served her breakfast and she tried to associate with Alexi as he tried to make her talk. But she mostly answered in yes or no.

Melina got into the security chamber to see Steve was very busy, asking something to FRIDAY, makes note from it, then some questions. She couldn't hear a thing though. Because he has turned off the outside speaker. She walked in scanning her finger and Steve looked back at her. " So... what else did you find?"

Steve streched his back tiredly. " Someone else is involved with Pierce. Whose files are not accessible because of National security protocols. It means, that's..."

Melina completed his sentence," Someone from governing body. " Steve nodded in agreement. She turned to leave but stopped on her track," By the way, congratulations. Your efforts are resulting. " He looked at her questioningly. " She had breakfast with us this morning. After more than two years. Thanks to you. "

Steve nodded and looked back to the computer screen," Good for her. "

Melina smirked at him, she knew there are definitely some reason for what Steve hasn't been at red mansion since last two weeks. She wondered what it could be. " Why don't you go and see her? You guys looked friendly. "

He kept his eyes fixed on the screen," She and I are not friends. "

She raised her eyebrow," Just like us?"

He shook his head," No. Just like you and I."

She glared at his back and walked out mumbling," As**ole. "

Steve chuckled on it. Then he got a phone call from some unknown number. " Hello?"

" Uh... Hello. Um... It's Yelena. Can you...come to red mansion now?"

Steve became alert," Why? Any problem?"

" Not really. But...yeah. "

He's getting confused," What?"

" Do I have to explain everything in phone?! Come to red mansion, now!"

And she hung up the phone. Steve sighed shaking his head. He got up and left for red mansion.

He met Yelena at the parking. Seems like she's waiting for him. She walked up to him first in a hurry. " You told me I can ask for your help if needed right?"

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