40. Welcome Home

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Natasha and Steve are sitting at the corner of the basketball arena. She looked at him," Do you sense something here? We were here on our first outing."

He shook his head, sighing in disappointment. She grabbed his hand," Hey, I said take it slow. We're not rushing here. You're getting there slowly and that's enough for now. " He nodded and looked ahead. " Should we get out from here?" He nodded silently again. She frowned a little but got up with him and left.

She topped her car, Steve looked out and instantly recognised this place. It's their old farmhouse. He was living with his family here. They walked out and sat on the porch. " I remember the days I've spent here. " Steve mumbled slowly after some time. " The next door was Bucky's. We were neighbours. "

She nodded with a smile. " Hey Nat!", He started with excitement, but stunned when he called her with this name. Why does it feel natural?

Natasha's eye's widened as she heard him. God! How long she's waited for this moment! He called her Nat. Only he does.

He stuttered at this point. " Uh...I don't know what ...sorry..."

She's quick to stop him with a smile," No no. I liked it. Go on. What were you saying?"

He hesitated at first," I mean, I was thinking... should I renovate this house? My childhood memories are here, my parents' memorial is here. So I was wondering if it's a good idea to live here again. "

" That's a wonderful idea. " Her face beamed in excitement. " Why not? This area is so peaceful, away from city crowd and honking. "

He nodded and was glad that she agreed on this thought. " How long we'd been known eachother before my accident?"

She raised her eyebrow," Almost a year."

" Can you tell me something briefly about us? Right now everything is just blank in my brain. So I want to hear something from you so that I can at least imagine about us. What we were like, how we met, how good we got along. Something like that. " He asked her curiously.

She cleared her throat and fully turned towards him," Okay. But you can't ask me any questions. It'll be hard for me to explain and for you to understand. " He nodded with a smile. " Well, you worked as a bodyguard for me, I mean, for my father. Initially, I was a little bit sensitive about trusting others easily. But somehow, I started trusting you very soon. I liked you at first. I even confessed my feelings at first. But you were reluctant. There were many problems we've faced. But my feelings won at the end. You accepted it. Then we started dating. We...we were thinking about our marriage then you...you had to go through it. " Her voice cracked at the end.

He noticed her glossy eyes. Those hidden tears are blurring her vision. He gently pulled her for a hug. " I'm sorry. I can't imagine how you must have...felt after seeing me like this. I'm so sorry for breaking your heart again. "

She couldn't stop her overwhelming tears anymore and let them flow. She hugged his back tightly, wanting to never let go of him. " Yeah, you really broke my heart. But...but it wasn't your fault. "

They stayed in the same position for some time then he pulled away. " Your name....It's not Natalia, right?"

She chuckled," It is Natalia."

He frowned with a cute pout," But...but it sounds very...I don't know...it sounds unfamiliar. Like I've never called you with that name. "

She flicked his nose with a smile," Yeah. You were calling me with a different name. Which you've to figure out. "

" What about Nat then?" Her smile faded as her heart raced again. " I don't know...I think.... I used to call you with it. Natalia and Nat. It makes sense to me. And...I have a letter in a file and it says - To Nat."

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