21. Find the Ghost

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Steve sighed looking ahead as he's standing by the railings of the terrace where Natasha told him to wait for her. He couldn't wipe that picture from his mind when he escorted Bryan inside the mansion, he jumped at Natasha and hugged her tightly.

It confused his mind more. He was furious. Bryan was repeating ' I love you ' , holding Natasha to his body.

But most importantly, Steve's confusion makes him more mad. How the hell it's possible? Bryan is or was dead. But no. He's alive.

Natasha appeared at his behind and walked up to his side. Steve sighed without looking at her," Where is he?"

She swallowed a breath," Uh...he... fell asleep."

Steve nodded," Okay. I should leave now." Then he turned away.

But Natasha grabbed his arm desperately. Steve looked at her in an expression which shows how angry and upset he is. Natasha understood right away and let go of his hand in a hurry. " I know you've so many questions. But...let me breath for a moment. It's too much for me too."

He shook his head with a sigh then leaned against the railings folding his hands on his chest.

Then Natasha started hesitatingly," His parents are aware of it too. They know he's alive. "

" Why?" Now he looked at her. " Why did you do that? You're saying a person was alive all along but you and their parents knew about it. And I'm pretty sure, Clint is also aware of it. " She nodded slowly. He sighed in frustration. " Oh God."

" He was in coma for these two years. I hoped when he'll gain consciousness, I could expose Melina, while keeping another victim like me by my side. He woke up few days ago, but he's having amnesia. He doesn't remember the explosion and some recent incidents before that. So he doesn't remember our break-up too. But Steve, I swear I'd broken up with him..." She started to explain everything, but Steve interrupted her at this point.

" Wait. I don't need to know your breakup story. And you don't have to explain about it, to me certainly. So the conclusion is, you were waiting for him to wake up from his coma so that you could expose your father's wife. Then what about that...self isolation thing?"

She gasped at this point," What?! You believe I was... pretending to be...Steve how could you?"

He shook his head," I didn't, but I'm starting to believe right now. You had so many ways and chances to tell about Melina to others but you didn't. You kept waiting for your ex boyfriend and then you were gonna reveal everything. "

She sighed," I was not waiting for him. His parents told me not to talk about it to others that's why..."

" That's why you pretended to be sick." He interrupted her, making her hurt and shock. " But you know what? You didn't need to go that far. I like you, I trust you. Just to cover something up again?"

It broke her heart. He's doubting her feelings. " Steve...." She couldn't form words.

But he carried on. " That's why I told you. We're different, we're not alike. You're an actress who lives a life of a character, you act like someone while you're not them in reality. And I'm a soldier. My life is completely real. It revolves around life and death. So whatever you're trying to imply, I don't wanna be a part of that. I can't be with you for this whole month as I'd said. "

" You're hurting me, Steve. " She swallowed a lump. Forcing to stop her tears.

" Should I apologise?" He raised his eyebrow at her. She couldn't say anything. She knew if she does, she can't stop sobbing. Steve nodded and walked downstairs and left without looking back.

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