25. Rescue and it's Cost

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Steve's unit was flying over the water as they're searching for a spot for landing. Clint saw the ship through magnifier then looked at Steve," We can't land on the ship. Their guards are watching like cats."

Steve thought for a moment with a sigh," Let's drop into the water then. We'll get to the backside swimming and clear the location for landing. "

They agreed on his suggestion and with Sam, five more soldiers got ready to jump into the water. Steve wished them good luck and jumped out first, followed by Sam and others.

They swam to the back of the ship and climbed up into it. With a long breathe, Steve jumped to the other side of the railings and his team was quick to follow. And started the war of firing bullets at each otters troops. Soon they cleared the backside area and signalled Clint in the air to land.

Two Helicopters landed and everyone surrounded Steve for instructions. " Take the guards down on your way and locate Victor Doom. " One group saluted him and marched inside. Then he looked at another group, where Sam and Clint are a part of. " They must have been keeping the hostages separately. Find them and gather everyone. It'll be easier to rescue." They nodded in response of the command and rushed inside.

Steve ran through the corridor, shooting the men on his way, opening the guarded rooms. He broke the lock of the sixth room in a row, then breathed in relief when he found Tony and Bucky, leaning their head against the wall while looking at the ceiling. They quickly looked at the door but couldn't believe their eyes seeing Steve in front of them. " Steve?!"

Steve shook his head," Don't tell anyone that you two are my friends. Hey, how could you let them get you?! "

Bucky and Tony shared a look then ran up to Steve and cried like children, hugging his both shoulders from both sides. " We thought we're gonna die here. Steve, I missed you!" Bucky cried out.

Steve wiggled in their hold," Okay okay. You're not gonna die. Now can you let go of me?"

They did so after few seconds, still sniffing. Steve chuckled shaking his head," Now tell me. Where are others?"

Tony shook his head," We don't know. They dragged us out at first. "

Steve nodded," Okay. Let's go and find them." And they walked out, checking all the rooms on their way. He pressed his earpiece," Two."

After sometime, Steve heard through his earpiece," Four, Captain."

Then, " Six, Captain." It's Sam.

" Clint?", Steve asked eagerly.

Clint understood what did he mean," Not yet. "

Steve was searching further with Bucky and Tony and they got to another room. Steve broke the lock, and they found Wanda and Pepper. The trio ran inside. Tony hugged Pepper, checking if she has any injury. While Steve and Bucky hugged Wanda. Her face was bruised at some spots. Steve looked at Pepper and his sister," What happened?! Did they hit you or something?"

Pepper nodded at Wanda. She sighed leaning against Bucky. " They were asking about some drive. "

" Yes. What kinda drive they were talking about?!" Tony asked in a hurry.

Steve shook his head with a long sigh. " I didn't think that could be the origin of all this mess. "

" Captain, we found him. He's in the engine room. We can't break into it." Steve heard through the earpiece.

They walked out of the room then they met Haward and Maria coming with three soldiers of Steve's team. Sam was walking behind them with Peggy and Dr Cho. Peggy rushed at Steve and held his hands," Steve! My baby! They had locked that ward. " She broke down.

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