24. Gone Missing

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Few weeks passed by. Things are getting back to normal, at least Steve tried his best. Arranging more security around the Shostakov family, getting more involved in their matters, he's trying his best to keep the promise he made to Alexi. Above all, Melina has withdrawn her name from president election race. She's a complete different person now. He could tell from her stoic and stoned attitude. And Steve was searching for Victor Doom with his network.

Some magazine producer have approached Natasha and Yelena for a photoshoot and interview. Both sisters are in good terms now. They're ready to get back to their normal professional routine. Yelena had called Steve that morning and informed him to come with them to the studio. To which Steve replied positively and told her that he'll be there in few minutes.

Steve was getting ready when Wanda came to his apartment to get her purse she had forgotten the last time she visited. He looked over his shoulder to find her approaching hesitantly. " What is it?"

" I couldn't tell you because you were so busy and everything was going hectic." Steve waited patiently. " Peggy has given birth to a daughter last weekend. " As soon as Wanda said it, Steve's eyes fell to the ground. " She's gonna get discharged today or tomorrow, so I'm going to visit her to hospital with aunt Mari and uncle Haward. "

Steve nodded and began to walk towards the exit, but Wanda interrupted him. " I know things between you two ended very badly, but...she has moved on, Steve. You need to do that too. I'm also angry and hurt for what she'd done with you. But let's not stuck in the past okay? If she's happy, then let her be. "

Steve sighed then looked at her," Get something for her, whatever she likes." Wanda smiled at him when he walked out.

He arrived at the red mansion to pick up Natasha and Yelena. Soon they arrived at the studio they're supposed to do photoshoot and interview. Steve left them with their designer team and walked out of the dressing room.

He got a phone call. It's Dr Helen Cho. He narrowed his eyes at the screen, because it's so unusual for her to call him personally. He recieved it," Hello?"

There was a small pause," Hii, Oppa ( honey) . I'll be late to home. So...don't worry. "

Steve frowned hearing her shaky voice. Then he heard a scream from the other side of the line. " Hello?! Dr Cho?!" The line went off. " Wanda went to the same hospital today!" He mumbled to himself. Suddenly something kicked in his mind. He ran towards the dressing room. Kicked the door open and grabbed Natasha and Yelena's hands, ignoring the questions and weird looks of the people around them. " I'll tell you everything later." He assured Natasha and they ran behind him to the parking.

Steve got the wheel and urged the both sisters to get in. He looked at Yelena ," Call Ms Melina and tell her not to go out of the mansion!"

Yelena was confused but she tried anyway. " It's unreachable." She shook her head.

In the meantime, Natasha was calling someone too. " Mrs Miller? Where is she now?"

" You mean, Ms Melina? She went out."

" Okay." She hung up and looked at Steve. " She just went out somewhere. But what's going on, Steve?"

Steve banged hus hand on the steering wheel. " Damn it!! He's making the moves before I could have thought. He has already gotten my sister. "

Natasha's eyes widened," Who? Victor Doom?" Steve nodded.

Suddenly, a black van collided with their car, making it crash on the devider of the highway. Steve looked up and saw three more black cars facing at them. He pulled two guns from under his jacket. " Keep your head ducked. Don't come out." He warned the two sisters, and slowly put his hand on the door to open it.

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