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Ω When going on a trip Ω


"You still have the chance Chiron give us for out, right?" Travis asked her in a summer night at August. Tonight, they somehow end up sitting on the roof of Cabin 4 watching the stars; after Travis practically plead her to lift them up here. Let's just say she is a sucker for puppy eyes. She is in his comfy hoodie he brought to her earlier, she noticed he likes to give her his clothes to wear recently. Not that she is bothered, she likes the way his clothes on her, big and soft, with his scent. She sits between his legs since he literally dragged her in it, while he plays with her hair like always. Travis was telling her how to find those sparking little dots above before he asked her about the outing thing. And she is surprised at the amount of knowledge he knows about astronomy.

"Um hm, what's wrong?" Chiron give every camper a chance to go out camp but for proper reason and you need to have company.

"There is a situation, more like a problem..."


"Okay, head first, it's all Connor's fault." He let out a long sigh before continue. "You remember I told you our mother will call us back for her birthday?" She hummed for response. "She IMed us today and Connor slipped about me meeting a girl at camp, and she forced me to bring her back too." She blinked at him.

"And you're telling me because...?"

"Do you want to come?"

"Let me get this straight, your mom is inviting a girl to your house, for her birthday?"

"You can put it like that."

"So, I'm this girl you're seeing, huh?" She starts teasing him, nudging him with her elbow.

"You coming or not?" He said, softly pushed her elbows away, letting them stay put and she shrugged, not giving him a direct answer. A sudden breeze blow to their face causing their hair flying back, hers spread right on Travis' face, he sighed in defeat and said, "I'll take you to the mall."

"Really!?" She squeaked in excitement. It's been ages since she last went to the mall, being a year-round camper meaning you don't have much freedom, not to mention the chance to go see the city.

"Consider this as a second date." He looked down at her and give her a genie smile. Her heart swayed at the beautiful sight, how the corner of his lips is going upwards, the way his eyes spark at the thought of them having a second date while he kept her in his arms like she the most important thing to him at this moment.

"When are we going and how long?"

"Eager much now, huh?" He smirked; she smacked his upper arm which barely had the impact on him with all the muscle and stuff. "Next Wednesday for five days, my mom lives in Atlanta so we maybe need to stay in a hotel of something, it depends. And I'll be driving!"

"Then it will be a miracle that we got there alive." She murmured.

"Hey, I am a good driver, my dad is the god of road and travelers."

"I heard rumors from Connor."

"Don't listen to him, all he wanna do is embarrass me." He protested.

"Come on, don't be a crybaby, it's late, let's get down." She chuckled and cooed him. Katie called out a branch next to the roof and let it placed them at her window for them to climb in.

"Can I keep your clothes?" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"Of course, Katie-kat. It's meant to give you anyways." That's the last thing she heard before fade into sleep.

What you wish for ✔️- Tratie fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن