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Ω An invitation and a part of you Ω


It's two weeks after the night Travis asked her out on a date; and being a dick he is, he hasn't told her anything about it. No time, no lactation, nothing. Katie thinks he has a thing for deadlines; last time, he asked her for the fireworks three days before the event. And if he didn't fulfill that damn date promise this week, he is going to be actually dead while Connor is about to lose his precious bother. She has been giving him silence treatment every night for the last few weeks, normally they will chat a little about the day, share something with each other or simply cuddle. But as Katie realized he has no intention to work on his promise, she stopped talking to him, and now she even doesn't let him put his arms around her.

His actions told her, and she's very sure they aren't her imagination, that he like her more than just a friend. No one ask a friend out on a date, or feel jealous for them. He just made her heart sway as high as plane and drop it in the deep water afterwards.

What kind of guy asked a girl if they can take her out on a date and doesn't make a move after? For half a month!

She brushed her hair over and over while thinking all these. Travis Stoll is now on fucking thin ice.

After she saw the Stolls went back to their cabin after breakfast, she knocks on their door. When Travis answered the door, Katie just ignored him and shout to the room asked if Connor is in here. Though Travis looks pissed, she doesn't want to talk to him, so she didn't show any emotion on her face when he stared at her and mentally talking to her. Why in Hades are you here finding my brother, his eyes screamed. Connor welcome her to their room while Travis bumped her in the shoulder and went in as she passed the door way.

"So, what can I help?" Connor said, at the same time, Travis decided to change his clothes while she is in the room, in front of her. She looked, for a second or more, at his muscular back and the way the muscles move under his skin. Then she cursed herself.

You're here to accuse him for being an ass, not drooling over him!

"Can you tell your brother to keep his promise?" Katie slowly moved her eyes away as she spoke to Connor sweetly, not caring the fact the person she is mentioning about is in the same room with them. And she is daydreaming about sleeping in his arms at the other part of her brain, the 'crushing real hard on Travis Stoll' part.

"What did you do or not do this time?" Connor turned his head and glare, rolling his eyes, sounds like he wants to straggle his stupid brother. Just like her.

"I..." Travis started to protest.

"You shut up." Katie silent him. "Please tell him if he didn't do it this week, he will become a corpse and you will lose your partner in crime." She saw from the corner of her eyes Travis gulped at her statement.

"Wait, what did he promise you?" Connor asked. Oh, so Travis hasn't told him, and now he just makes her a prefect chance to embarrass him.

"He didn't tell you, he asked me—"

"I asked her out on a date!" He blurted before she could, pity.

"At the fireworks." Katie added.

"Dude! Are you crazy? What in Hades are you doing these time?" Connor yelled at Travis. "Gods, you're so died." He's super disappointed at Travis.

She sighed. "I'm finished. Please educate him this whole... you know." Then she left the room, wishing Travis will officially ask her out tonight.


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