Our Last Night

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"Dad, what are you doing here?" Y/N said, her voice frantic after having to leap off of Natasha's lap and fix her clothes.

"I've come to apologize for my behavior, and give you a gift," He says holding a red box, but his eyes land on her neck. "But it looks like you've already got one, so this is a bit useless." He laughs nervously.

Natasha had seen this act before, again and again. Louis would come in with an extravagant gift or gifts as an apology but would never actually apologize. When Nat asked Y/N what he was apologizing for she'd just shrug her shoulders.

"I could always use another one," Y/N says lowly, grabbing the box anyway, "they'll look better layered." She smiles, one that Nat knew to be fake.

"I'll get you something else, I promise. Even if I have to steal it off of the king himself," He says.

"Thank you, Dad," Y/N says, one that was meant to dismiss him.

"Of course," he says turning around, "oh and um.. I'll be back later. To talk about that thing you told me. Nataly, I'd like for you to be here too." He says. She nods, even though she dreaded having her time cut short with Y/N.

Nat noticed how Y/N finally took a deep breath in when her father was out of view. Her once bright eyes looked exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Nat asked, seeing her attitude make a complete change.

"I think I want to go back to bed," She said softly, "I just want a little more sleep."

It was the same thing she'd heard for months now. Even when she had just gotten out of bed and she sees her father, suddenly all of her energy is drained and she had to take a nap. Nat never noticed it was related to her father until he was out of town. Harley came to visit her more regularly and her naps were non-existent but as soon as he made an appearance they became more frequent.

Natasha didn't want to lose the mere hours they had on sleep but she couldn't act out of the ordinary.

"What did you tell him?" Nat asked, laying next to her and stroking her hair. She stayed quiet for a while a glimmer of sadness passing through her eyes.

"I told him about June," She says quietly, hardly enough to hear.

"Wh- what did he say?"

"He was fuming, he blamed me for not noticing."

"It isn't your fault," Natasha reassured her, pushing aside the anger she now had towards Louis.

"It is, I should've seen this coming. I could've stopped everything and now.. now I don't know."

"There's no way you could've known," Nat says pulling her in closer.

Y/N wanted to tell her badly about her powers but she knew it would only lead to more questions and now all she needed was a bit of rest.

Nat held her tightly, taking in the smell of her hair, the smoothness of her skin, and the soft breathing of her lungs. Tomorrow she would have to learn to live without it but her moment kept being interrupted by her vibrating phone. If it wasn't Wanda it was Steve, calling back to back like she didn't already have the instructions for the extraction memorized.

She couldn't handle any more disruptions, and without any worry she turned off her cellphone.

"Y/N?" She said, making sure she was truly asleep, "I'm going to miss you so much."

She held onto her sleeping body until she woke up again, far more refreshed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Y/N giggled softly as she stretched out.

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