Spies Among us

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As Nat helped wash her hair she noticed how Y/N was far more fidgety and had refused to let Nat out of her sight, she needed her touching her to calm her nerves a bit. It was the day she had decided to tell her father about June.

She had tried so hard to get back into her father's good graces, studied hard, and trained hard, but he hadn't accepted any of it. The only way she thought she could prove herself useful was to tell him about June.

"What is it?" Nat asked her, realizing just how tightly she was holding on.

"I wish everything were simpler," She says.

"Everything doesn't have to be so hard," Nat said, it was something she had only recently just learned.

"What's so hard about telling my father about us?" Y/N laughed, changing the subject a bit just so she wouldn't think about how nervous she was.

"Nothing," Nat smiled.

"So you'd tell him we were together?" She smiles.

"I'd tell him that I was in love with you and that I was taking you far, far away, and never bringing you back," She shakes her in the hug, making Y/N giggle uncontrollably.


Her father was raging, his chair was thrown on the ground and the shards of his whiskey set were scattered on the floor.

"Who else knows about this?" He asked.

"Nobody, I found it in his house and kept it hidden in my office," she lied, "I saw it during a meditation session."

"After all I've fucking done for him," He screamed, "treated him like my own, now look. This could destroy me," He slammed his fist against the table.

"What are you going to do?" Y/N asked hesitantly, but she already knew the answer.

"Go home and stay there, Don't let him know that you know," He stresses.

"What the hell is this about?" Harley screams as she comes in and sees the mess.

"Why didn't you do anything about this? Why didn't you see this before he did anything?" He screams again at Y/N.

"I didn't-"

"I haven't asked you to speak," He yells.

"Don't you ever speak to her like that again?" Harley screams at him.

"You don't understand what she's done, lack of what she's done," He says to her, "She could cost me everything."

"You give your girls impossible standards to live up to. They're constantly under stress and you blame them for everything that goes wrong," Harley screams at him despite the fact that he didn't raise his voice at her.

"You wouldn't get it," He sighs.

"I wouldn't get it?" She asks, offended by his words.

"I just meant-"

Harley interrupts him with a scoff and an eye roll as she walks out. Louis massages his temples and picks up the phone.

"Where's June positioned right now? Don't tell him I'm looking for him but keep a close eye on him until further notice," He says and drops the landline back in its place.

"I'm sorry, I'll find a way to fix this," Y/N says, her eyes on the ground in front of her.

"You better, because if you don't you can pack your things and go back to the lab until they can figure out how to extract it from you," He grinds his teeth refusing to look at her. "Go, and don't tell anyone about this."

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