Lost Time

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"You missed," Y/N smirked at her trainer. Recently it was getting easier and easier to beat her.

"You're getting cocky," She laughed.

"Not cocky just good," She gloated. A golden magical rope wrapped around her ankle and pulled hard enough to throw her on her back.

"Cocky," The woman corrects, leaning over her body.

Y/N turned over on her stomach as she walked away and used her magic to freeze her feet in place. As hard as the woman tried she could not lift her feet from their position. With a slight lift of her fingers, Y/N was able to lift her off the ground as she walked over.

"Good," She whispered in her face before throwing her back into the wall.

She heard the cracking sound her bones made when her body hit the wall and got scared that she might've done more damage than usual, she maybe got too excited to prove her point.

"Shit," she runs over to the woman, "are you okay?"

"I might need your healing powers today," She laughed weakly.

"Sure, yes," She said, "Where?"

The woman pointed to her ribs and Y/N did what she usually did to herself. The green rays underneath healed her, leaving behind only a small bruise. The woman watched in awe, she had never really taken the time to see how it looked up close, it looked familiar. She had seen the green rays somewhere before.

"Do that again," She said to Y/N. "Turn your hand to the left this time."

Y/N didn't know why she had given her the direction like there would be any difference but did it anyway without questioning it.

The green rays appeared again, this time instead of turning her hand to the right she turned it to the left.

The woman groaned in pain but when Y/N lifted her hand she sighed in relief.

She lifted up her shirt to asses the skin and to Y/Ns surprise, not even a bruise was left behind.

"Fascinating," Her trainer said under her breath. She snapped a long golden ring into her hands and slipped it onto her fingers.

The sling ring: a sorcerers tool to open portals

Y/N remembered from her book as she watched a small golden ring open. The woman reached in and pulled out an apple and just like that the ring closed with a spark.

"Have you read about the eye of agamotto?" She asked, taking a bite out of the bright red fruit.

a strange time to be snacking.

"Yes, it went missing from Kamar Taj over 50 years ago. there's been no sign of it ever since," Y/N answers. The woman places the apple on the ground after another bite.

"Do you know how to open the eye?"

"Yes, 'form the fingers into a diamond shape keeping the pointer fingers pointed up-"

"no, no, Show me," She interrupts.

Y/N saw no point to this, the eye was lost. This skill was useless without it. As she had come to learn though, her methods worked far more than any other trainer she's had so she did what she was told.


"One more time, focus on your breath."

Y/N took a deep breath in and cleared her mind the way her books constantly reminded her to do.

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