ST. Mary's Shelter

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"Can't you wait until morning for this? I doubt a Hampton's keychain is this urgent," Natasha complains as the car stops in front of a rather large structure.

Y/N didn't respond, she had been giving Natasha the silent treatment and only responded in nods or shrugs if need be.

She hopped out once the driver open the door and walked ahead to the unlocked door. Only then was it that Natasha realized it was a women's shelter, the purple banner advertised it right above the door, 'Saint Mary's Home for Women'.

"Are they still awake?" Natasha heard her ask the front desk woman. She was a young Hispanic woman with almond eyes and a bright beautiful smile.

"The children might be asleep, but they are surely awake," her voice was kind of like what you would expect from a woman working in such a place.

"Did you get our donations?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you for such a generous sum." She reaches up to give y/ns hands a squeeze, which was clamped together on the edge of the desk.

"Please don't thank me, Jennifer. May I go back to see them?"

Jennifer simply gestures for her to go ahead. Natasha follows Y/N through the large building until they reach a pair of red doors. Behind them there was cheery laughter and conversation but as soon as Y/N opened the doors that all silenced.

"Well well, I leave you all for a week and you forget how to act," She says sternly, her footsteps creating an echo as she walks in further. Natasha hadn't heard of whatever this was, she hadn't seen any check about nor seen any of these women before.

Suddenly the room fills with laughter and they jump up to crowd Y/N and shower her in hugs and the traditional kisses on the cheek. Natasha heard at least 6 languages being thrown at her and she had responded correctly to all of them including the ones even Natasha herself didn't know.

One of the women spots Natasha at the door and nudges the people next to her, soon they were all looking at her and stepping in front of Y/N protectively. Y/N finally senses what's going and taps one of the women.

"Ela está comigo, meu pai insistiu que eu tivesse um guarda-costas," she says with a smile, Portugues, 'She's with me, my father insisted I get a bodyguard.'

"Ar trebui să fiu de acord cu el în privința asta," Another woman responds in Romanian, 'I would have to agree with him on that. The women finally relax and carry on with their activities, occasionally inviting Y/N to join them in their card playing or dancing.

It hadn't hit Natasha just how much she could miss the sound of her voice, her laughter, or her smile. She felt a weird sensation in her heart when she realized that it was because of her that y/n hadn't been like this lately.

Y/N had been different than what Natasha had expected, she wasn't the money hungry soulless monster, and she wasn't even at all conceited. She cared for the unloved things, she was patient when need be. She shared her wealth and her love even with people she knew didn't deserve it.

It made Natasha mad at herself for presuming things and making her feel less than. She just wanted to be held, to be loved.

All the way back home neither of them had said a word to each other. Y/N stared out the window to the passing view and Natasha occasionally glanced at her desperately hoping she would wake up and forget this feeling but she knew she wouldn't.


Y/Ns lamp was on from what Natasha could see from under her door. She had been unable to sleep with this heavy feeling in her chest and needed to see her.

Without knocking she opens the door and finds Y/n sitting up with a book in her hand. She puts the book down once she sees who it was and locks eyes until she was close enough.

Natasha brings her hand up to her face to tuck in a piece of loose hair but she flinches and pulls her face away.

"I won't hurt you," she whispers, slowly closing in for what Natasha hadn't even intended on doing.

Their lips effortlessly molded together, neither of them being ambitious enough to take the lead and submit to the other.

"I'm sorry," Natasha breaks out of the kiss to apologize but as if she would drown without it connecting them all over again.

"You break me too often to forgive you," Y/N says holding Natasha's face.

"I know," She responds, breaking herself over what she's done.

"Yet I can't help but forgive you anyway," Y/N knew it was against her better judgment to forgive her but she couldn't honestly stay mad at Nataly.

Natasha pulls her back into the kiss continuing such gentle touches that were so rare for her.

"Good night Y/N," she finally pulls back, feeling content enough with their conversation.

"Will you stay here with me?" Y/N quietly asks. Natasha smiles at the request and nods her head.

They settle into bed together, y/ns head nestled onto Natasha's plump breast.

"Good night Nataly," she says softly as she begins to fall asleep.

What hurt Natasha the most is that to y/n she was 'Nataly', a fake alias she made up on the spot. She wanted so deeply to confess her truth but she knew it would only make her hate her. 

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