Chapter twenty nine

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"Now it's 6:23, and they're on their knees
Begging "Jesus please, can you make her breath?"
'cause they finally see what was happening

underneath their nose and underneath your sleeves." - Sara, We Three


A/N - don't worry, I know I always get a quote that relates to the chapter but this one doesn't. I just have had this song stuck in my head for the past few days.
I'm sorry if you relate to the song, you don't deserve to feel that way, no one does. 
If you ever want to talk, pm's are always open <3

A/N - guys I'm changing Landon's age to 18, he got held back a class. Otherwise it's not corresponding with the legal driving age in Spain and I want everything to be as close to reality as posible :)
It's now:
Landon 18

Sofia 17
Maya 17

Aella 16
Noah 16

💫 Maya 💫

When we got home form the amusement park yesterday I went to my room to give all my new plushies a place and a name of course.

This morning I woke up surrounded by all of them and everytime I look at them I get reminded of the amazing day that was yesterday. 

Waking up, I noticed there was this content feeling inside my chest, I felt happy. 

Right now I am sitting at the lunchtable, laughing with Aella and Sofia about the stupid face Noah is making. Apparently he didn't know that you can pee when you have a tampon in. Landon is just looking at Sofia like she is the most interesting thing in the world.

I look at Aella and she gives me the look. She knows. Aella turns towards Landon and whispers something, too low for me to hear. 

"You guys want to hang out tonight? We could go to the movies, I hear the new Barbie movie is great!" Noah says, looking around the table hopefully. 

"That sounds great! I have been wanting to go to Barbie ever since the trailer got out." Sofia answers excitedly. 

"I have to check with my parents but they always say yes." Landon says. "I'm available as well tonight, fuck homework." Aella agrees with a miscievous smile on her face.

"Sounds fun." I say. Before I even realise I actually said it out loud everyone is looking at me kind of funny, looking like they just saw a ghost. 

"Maya, you have a beautiful voice." Aella says, looking at me with watery eyes. Her smile so bright it could light up the entire cafeteria. 

I look down, maybe I shouldn't have talked, what if they don't even care what I say? Shit, I never should have let the words slip, now they know I really can talk. 

"Maya, listen to me. Whatever you are thinking right now, stop thinking it. We love you and would love to hear your voice more." Landon says, he knew exactely what to say I guess. 

The rest of lunch was spent laughing and talking about anything and everything, me pitching in some words. 

My last class of the day is going by very very slowly. Landon and I have been chatting a little, getting to know each other better. He is really nice and funny.

When the bell finally rings we walk out into the hallway together. I laugh at a joke, even if it's just an in-audible laugh, it still feels like a real laugh for me. 

Breaking PointTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang