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"If you see someone without a smile,
give them yours."
- Dolly Parton


And holy shit have you guys given me your smile


When I started writing this story LITERALLY A WEEK AGO I figured I would get like 20 reads, maybe a hundred after a month or something, but 500 after a week is just insane in my head because I never thought people would actually like what I wrote.

Mostly because there are probably a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes I don't even realise but also because when I started Breaking Point I had a pretty clear image of what I wanted it to be about and I can imagine not a lot of people share that image, and that's okay.

I just wanted to quickly get this out since I have just been constantly smiling since three days ago when I woke up one morning and got from 100 to 250 reads and a tiktok with almost 2000 views.

This really means a lot to me, to know there are people out there who are reading this and actually enjoying (at least I hope you're enjoying it).

I also wanted to say that if you ever just want to write something, just do it. And when you do, stay true to writing what you like. Just write what you love and be true to yourself, that way there is fun in writing. 

Anyways, probably another chapter out tonight but first, imma eat all you can eat sushi with some family and friends LETS GO, I love sushi. 

And I would love to know where all of you are from and if it's worth visiting because I'm thinking about travelling around the world in a few years :)


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