Chapter four

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"I'm not mad at myself for giving my love to the wrong people; they probably needed it the most." - faraway


💫 Maya 💫

Waking up without a clear idea of what your day will be like, some people love it and others don't mind it, for me, it sounds like hell. 

And that's exactely how it feels to wake up today. I slept terrible, he kept finding me in my dreams. The one place I thought I was safe from the real world.

My ribs feel like they are on fire after sleeping on the couch, I couln't find a comfortable position which didn't hurt my arm and ribs at the same time. 

Sabine said my father would be here in the morning, what does that mean? Is that 8.00? Or more like 11.00? It is 8.50 right now so I'm guessing it wasn't at 8.00 or I would be late to meeting my own father. That would be a terrible first impression. 

Changing into a fresh pair of clothes, jeans and a t-shirt with a comfy, wide sleeved jacket to hide the bruise on my upper arm. Unfortunately, the cast is harder to hide but I need to look presentable. They wouldn't want a cook and cleaner with a broken arm. 

Just as I was putting my pj's into my bag, I hear a knock on the door. I open it and there stands Sabine. "Are you ready? Your father and brother are here." She still has that 'everything will be alright' smile. I give her a nod and follow her into the hall with my head down.

After a few steps, Sabine stops walking. I stop behind her with my head down and she moves out of the way. "Maya, sweetie, this is your father Álvaro Sanchéz and brother Damien. Mr. Sanchéz, this is Maya, your daughter and sister."

I don't look up, you look down to show respect and you never look a man in the eyes. That's how it has always been with my step-father, why would it be any different with other men?

"Hey Maya, I am Álvaro, your dad. How are you?" One of them asks, Álvaro, my biological father. I only see their shoes and pants. They both wear beautifull, expensive looking sneakers. One of them has jeans and the other has trousers but there is no way of knowing who wears what without being disrespectfull and looking up. 

I was so pre-occupied with looking at their shoes and pants, I only catch the last part of Sabine's sentence "...hasn't talked to anyone."

Then a third voice cuts in, this must be my brother "Wait, she doesn't talk? Does she choose not to or did something happen to her?" 

"We don't know, the only thing she has communicated with us is her name by writing it on a piece of paper, we don't know anything else about her." 

"Okay, we will ask her about it when we get home then." As that is said, I think by my brother, I see the legs wearing trousers move closer to me. Right in front of me, he crouches down so he is lower than me. I'm guessing this is Álvaro, he looks nice but so did he before he came into my room.

"Maya, mi amore, are you ready to go?" He asks with a soft smile. I guess I am ready to go so I nod my head and grab my backpack from the floor but before I can sling it over my shoulder Álvaro takes it from me and slings it over his shoulder.

As soon as we step outside I realise I haven't had breakfast yet. That's not how it is supposed to go. I always eat breakfast before I take a step outside. 

No no, this isn't right.
Too much is changing, there is no logic anymore.
I feel my breathing speeding up and my mind is going a hundred miles an hour.
Everything is wrong
Nothing is as it is supposed to be

I can't breath

👨‍💼 Daniel 👨‍💼

I guess the meeting went well, she didn't try to run away and wasn't disrespectfull or something. That's good, right? 

How can someone be so shy and quiet? She seems so pure and innocent, it doesn't sit right with me. 

As we are walking outside, dad in front of Maya and me behind the smaller girl, I feel like something is going wrong. Maya stopped walking right in front of me, her head still down like she isn't allowed to look up or something. 

It looks like she is thinking really hard and zoning out. Suddenly her breathing gets really heavy and it looks like she is getting less air with each breath.

Dad is still walking towards the car and just as I was about to ask Maya what's wrong, she starts clawing her chest like she can't breath. "Dad! Something is wrong!"

Dad turns around and sprints back to us. In the mean time I crouch down infront of Maya. I grab her shoulders to try to get her attention and she immediately froze beneath my touch. 

"Okay, no touching, got it." I say to her as I take my hands off her. "Maya?" No reaction. "Can you give us a sign you hear us?" 


"She's having a panic attack. Dad, do you know what to do?!" I ask as I frantically look to dad who crouched down besides me. Before he can give me an answer, I see Maya dropping to the floor. 

She passed out.

"Mierda. Vamos a casa." (Shit, let's go home) Dad says before he takes her in his arms. She looks so fragile and small in his arms. We walk to the car and get in the back. Maya still passed out in dad's arms. 

The driver takes off and within an hour we are at the private section of Schiphol airport. The jet is ready to go. 

Dad walkes in first and takes a seat, placing Maya down on the seat next to him so she lays with her head on his lap. I take the seat across from them and we take off. 

An hour into the flight, Maya begins to stirr but dad strokes her head and she calms down again. She will be okay, she was just panicking about everything changing, not because she didn't like us. 

She will be okay. 

A/N - Chapter four 🥳🥳
I hope you like it!

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Love you <3

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