Chapter two

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"I don't get mad anymore, I just get really quiet. Why keep talking when they are not really hearing you." - unknown


💫 Maya 💫

Waking up is the worst part of the day, the moment when you need to excange the world of dreams for the real world which is way worse. Eventhough the world of dreams hasn't been nice to me ever since he came into my room for the first time.

After I got out of bed I decided to look in the mirror to see if I need to make myself presentable or if it's okay like this. Because of my curls, I just straighten it out a little and scrunch some boost spray into the curls to make it presentable.

When i get downstairs, I see yesterday's breakfast is still on the table and dinner is still in the microwave. Weird. I turn off the microwave and throw the food away together with the breakfast. 

Something doesn't feel right, my step-father is never out except to look for a job in the day. I still make breakfast, it's part of my routine, I don't know otherwise.

On my way to school I listen to music on my small, broken phone and worn out headphones. Even though my life is pretty normal, music is somehow the only thing making me smile. (remember she doesn't know what happens to her is not normal, in her entire life it has been this way, she doesn't know any different)

During lunchbreak at school, a group of kids came to me, I only saw their feet approaching me as my head was down as usual. 

"Hey, you are the new kid right? I'm Sanna, these are my friends Fleur and Olivier." When I looked up I saw three people standing in front of me; a tall and beautifull brunette, on her right side is a smaller blond girl, and the third person is a lanky boy with orange hair. 

"Ze is er nu al twee weken, hoe heeft ze nog met niemand gepraat?" (she's been here for two weeks, how has she not talked to anyone yet?) The blond girl says. 

The orange haired boy cut in "Fleur! It's not nice to talk about someone in a language they don't understand when you are with them!" 

"Sorry, but I have a point though." The girl I now know as Fleur says. I continue eating my bread and hope they get the message that I won't talk. 

"Okay we'll leave you alone now but just know if you need anything, just come to us!" The brown haired girl said, I'm guessing that is Sanna. They are really nice, maybe if i spend more time with them, I will feel comfortable enough to say a word or two to them. 

The rest of the day went by according to routine. Today is wednesday so I am done at 15.10. I get on my bike and ride home. When I get home I notice a car on the driveway of the small house with 'politie' on the side. What is the police doing here?

Putting the bike in the backyard, I enter through the back door and see a man and woman going through our stuff. I walk into the living room and knock on the doorpost to get their attention.

They look up and quickly straighten themselves out. "Ik wist niet dat hier een kind woont, wist jij dat hij een dochter heeft?" (I didn't know there was a kid living here, did you know he has a daughter?) The man says to the woman. The only word I understand is 'dochter' which means daughter.

"Shit, dat wist ik ook niet. Zou zij ook alleen maar Engels kunnen?" (Shit, I didn't know either. Do you think she only speaks English as well?) The woman reacts. "Ik denk het wel, het ziet er niet uit alsof ze begrijpt wat we zeggen. Do you understand English?" (I think so, it doesn't look like she understands what we are saying.) The man says again. 

I nod to let them know I understand English. "Okay sweetie, your father" I shake my head kind of violently, he is not my father. "Okay so not your father?" I nod. "Okay, either way, he was arrested for drug possesion yesterday morning." The woman says.

Wait, how did he get the drugs? The money from the last time he sold me to him surely wouln't have lasted him this long. 

Wait, what will happen to me now? How does the orphanage and adoption situation go here? "If you will pack your bag and come with us to the station, we will try to find any relatives who want to take you in. Does that sound okay?" The man says, they are really nice. I nod my head again and walk upstairs.

After packing a few clothes and most of my stuff, I realise everything will be fucked up. I still need to make dinner and clean the mess made by the police officers before he gets home. I know he won't be home soon, but if he gets home to the mess in the living room and no dinner ready I didn't do my job properly. 

Going downstairs I put the bag down by the door and start cleaning. It's only 16.30 so I have enough time to clean first and make dinner later. The police officers look at me as if I am going crazy. 

"You don't need to clean sweetie, we will make sure everything is put back to where it was before." The woman says. Okay, that's okay, that gives me more time to make dinner. 

I make my way to the kitchen and start looking in the fridge to see what I can make tonight. "What are you doing? What is she doing?" The man says, first to me, the second part to the woman. 

"Sweetie, what are you doing? You don't need to make dinner. We need to get to the station to see where you will go." I just look at her like she is an alien. What does she mean I don't need to make dinner? If I don't do it, who will?

"You know what? Why don't you put a small dish of dinner on the table while we clean the living room?" The man says. That sounds okay. My step-father won't know it wasn't me who cleaned it. 

After about 15 minutes I put a plate of pasta on the table and when I look the living room is looking like normal. I knock on the doorpost again to get their attention. They both look up and the woman says "Ready to go?" 

I nod and walk out the door behind them, closing the door on everything that I was just getting familiar and comfortable with. Wondering how drastically everything will change and how I can possibly cope with another change. 

A/N - sooo second chapter is out, I don't know how many poeple will actually read it but I love every single one of you <3

Feel free to pm me or comment with ideas or just to talk about something, summer break is boring :)

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