Chapter five

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"I say that I'm fine but it feels like I'm dying
Why do the words in my head get so violent
Half of the time I'm just barely surviving
But I'm trying, I'm trying" - I'm Trying, Alexander Stewart


💫 Maya 💫

This doesn't feel like a bed, this is way harder than a bed. Where am I? The last thing I remember was being at the police station with Sabine, Álvaro and Daniel.

As soon as I feel the hand stroking my head, I freeze. I used to love physical touch but ever since him, it just feels wrong. 

I sit up and my head is spinning. What the hell happened? 

"Hey there sleepy head." A voice from next to me says. I don't want to open my eyes yet, just thinking about opening them hurts my head. 

After a few seconds I decide it is time to open them. The first thing I see is Daniel sitting across from me with a laptop in his lap. He is looking at me with a soft smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. Did I do something wrong? I quickly look down again, not wanting to be disrespectfull.

I can feel two pairs of eyes on me, it makes me nervous. I'm not used to getting attention except when I didn't do a job properly. Did I do something wrong when I was sleeping?

"What are you thinking in that head of yours Maya?" I hear Álvaro saying. Did they not listen when Sabine said I don't talk? It's disrespectfull to talk to people who are better than you.

"Maya, I want you to know a few things okay? Can you look at me please?" Wait, Álvaro wants me to look at him? He wants me to be disrespectful? That doesn't make any sense. 

I turn towards him and look up, not at him but at something behind him incase he changed his mind. 

"Can you look me in the eyes Maya?" Is this a test to see if i will disrespect him? But he sounds so sincere. His voice has a way of soothing the questions in my head, before I can stop it my subconcious decides to look him in the eyes.

"There you are mi amor." He says with a small smile on his face. He looks so happy to see my eyes it almost looks like he cares about me. That can't be right, I must've imagined it. 

"So I just want to say a few things before we get home and introduce you to the other boys. Lena, your mother, was my wife and the mother of you and your brothers before she left us 17 years ago. She never said why she left and I had no idea she was pregnant. I swear to you, if I knew you were out there I would've burned the entire world down to find you."
That seems a bit excessive to do for a cleaner and cook, I'm not that good at my job.

"We are very happy to have you live with us, even though some of us are a little bad at expressing it. I don't know if you can't talk or if you choose not to talk, but if it's the second, I need you to know you can talk whenever you want and say whatever you want without consequenses of any sort, okay?" 

I nod, it's not that I never want to talk again, it just feels wrong to use my voice after so long. I need to make sure my words will not be used against me like my mother and step-father always did. 

Talking was not appreciated at home, they didn't like my voice and kept saying they didn't care about my opinion. If they didn't care, why would someone who doesn't even know me care?

I was so deep in thought about everything that used to happen, I didn't realise I completely missed what Álvaro said after that. "Maya, are you with us?" comes from the seat across from me. I look up at him at the mention of my name.

"Do you want to tell us about those thoughts of yours?" Daniel asked. I really didn't want to burden them with all my worries so I just shake my head and look down again. 

"We are going to Spain, that's where we live. You, me and your five brothers." Álvaro says. Five brothers?! What? How can someone push out so many children and be sane? Well I guess my mother wasn't really sane now that I think about it but it coul have just been her personality.

I'm guessing Daniel noticed my little panic at hearing I have five brothers because the next thing he says is "Would you like me to introduce you to all your brothers in advance? So you don't go in entirely blind?" 

That sounds nice, like he knows I don't like surprises. I nod to his approval and the rest of the plane ride is spent with Daniel talking about our brothers and Álvaro sometimes cutting in to add a fact or two.

After the plane landed, we walked towards a train of five matte black cars, I recognize the symbol on the cars as Audi. We get into the third car with me and Álvaro in the back and Daniel in the passengers seat. 

It was a 30 minute drive and we pull up to a beautifull house, it's big, way bigger than I'm used to, but not castle or mansion big.

It was a 30 minute drive and we pull up to a beautifull house, it's big, way bigger than I'm used to, but not castle or mansion big

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The car pulls up in front of the door and Daniel and Álvaro get out. As I'm still taking in the house from inside the car, Álvaro opens my door. I get out while looking at the house.

"Welcome home mi amore. Are you ready to meet everyone?"

A/N - Chapter fiveee! How are you liking the story so far? 

I don't really have an upload schedule and I won't make one either, I post a chapter when I finish the three chapters after it. So right now I have chapters six, seven and eight finished and ready to go but six will come out when chapter nine is finished (but let's be honest, that will probably be tonight cause I really don't have anything better to do with my life)

I love you <3

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