Chapter twenty one

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"She loved reading. It allowed her to cry over someone else's sadness when she could no longer identify her own." - Nina Parks


💫 Maya 💫

I sat down on the ledge of the porch after my walk, just wanting to be alone for a while longer.

I don't know why, but Lucas feels safe, he is the kind of person that feels everything three times as intense as others. The kind that knows exactely how it feels when you don't know how to express yourself.

It was exactely the kind of person I needed.

It was exactely the kind of night I needed.

After waking up, still in Lucas' arms on the porch, I look up and see he is just looking up at the night sky.

He looks down and smiles, "Sí mariposa?"
"What time is it?"

He lifts his arm and looks at his watch, "00.30, want to go inside?" I give a small, tired nod and lift my hand to rub my eye, it just feels nice. 

Still in his arms, he looks down and smiles a little, "Are you tired mariposa?". Giving another nod, I stand up and walk towards the door, pulling it open for Lucas. 

He just takes over the door and motions for me to get inside, dad raised him right. 

When we get inside I see dad sitting in the lounge. When he hears the door he looks up and smiles "Hey there, how are my bebés doing?"

Lucas answers for the both of us "We're fine, dad. Maya is tired so she's going to bed, right mariposa?" He looks down at me with a small smile.

I nod at the both of them and walk into the hallway. 

By the time I'm in bed I get out my phone and play some music to help me fall asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I checked my phone to see my missed messages from yesterday

                                               Procrastination Station

Landon: What's everyone doing today? 

Aella: Not much, wanna hangout tonight?

Sofia: Yeah sounds good! Everyone in?

Landon: I'm in!

Noah: I'm in too! Maya?

40 minutes later

Aella: Maya, want to hang out tonight? My house is available

50 minutes later

Noah: I don't think she will respond, heard from my brother there was an incident at training yesterday, something which got Mister Sanchéz and the oldest brother out.

Aella: Oh shit, that doesn't sound good. Maya, are you okay?

An hour before they were supposed to hang out

Sofia: I don't think we should hang out without hearing from Maya first, it feels wrong to leave her out.

Landon: Yeah I feel the same.

Aella: Agreed.

Noah: Okay, let's wait until she responds, maybe we can hang out tomorrow instead?


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