Chapter twenty three

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"What's coming will come and we'll meet it when it does." - Hagrid


💫 Maya 💫

The next three days went by pretty quickly and normally. Go to school, come home, hang out with my brothers or dad, eat dinner, go on a walk and go to bed. 

The only out of the ordinary thing was getting my cast off today. The docter also wanted to take another look at my back and ribs but dad said that he could just look himself and that he would contact the docter if anything looked different.

It's nice to have a few days without changes. 

But today is the day I've been silently dreading, thursday. The day I will meet 18 new people who are supposed to be my family. The day one of my brothers will be the center of attention.

They probably don't even know my birthday is tomorrow, I mean, how would they know? It's listed in the file the police had on me and gave to dad almost two weeks ago but I don't think he really looked at it.

Getting up in the morning was a little harder then the last few days, I'm really not looking forward to meet everyone at once. 

And I can't talk about it with Lucas because he and the others don't know they are coming. 

I've become pretty close to Lucas the last week, he just feels like someone who will listen to you talk until you are tired of hearing your own voice. 

A listening ear, sometimes that's the only thing you need. 

When I get downstairs for breakfast I see everyone except Hugo is already seated and there is a cake on the counter. 

"Good morning, mi amore. It's a chocolate cake, I hope you like it, it's Hugo's favorite." I look at dad and give a small nod and a smile that doesn't seem to reach my eyes. 

"What's wrong mariposa?" Lucas cuts in. I turn towards him and just slightly shake my head, mouthing a 'nothing'. 

I've talked to lucas and dad when we were alone the last few days but I still feel uncomfortable talking when there is more than one person to hear me. 

I'm guessing the next few days will be quiet days for me. 

Getting pulled out of my own thoughts by a "Oh my god! Chocolate cake! My favoriteeeeee!" coming from the doorway. Hugo's awake. 

"Happy birthday!" Everyone chants at the same time, I didn't know we were going to do that, shit, now I didn't congratulate him. 

"Thank you guysss. It feels great to finally be mature." 
"Hugo, you may be 18 but you are far from mature." Mateo buds in. 

I walk towards Hugo and give him a small hug, mouthing 'happy birthday'. "Thank you codelincuente. Now, let's eat some cake!"

Breakfast was spent by Hugo talking a lot about all his plans now he can legally do all kinds of stuff and dad saying he could do it but wouldn't have a place to call home when he does. 

School was all just a bit of a blur, I couldn't get my mind to stop thinking about everything that could go wrong this afternoon. 

Aella asked what's wrong a few times but I just dismissed the question with 'I'm not feeling well' everytime. I don't think she believes me to be honest. 

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