Chapter six

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"Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one." - unknown


🔞 Mateo 🔞

Are siblings made to be a pain in the ass? Because that's all my brothers are. Nothing more, nothing less. 

Apparently I missed some important shit in a family meeting yesterday, I was at home, just couln't care less. So now it looks like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on as four of us are standing in the lobby, waiting for someone.

Why do we all have to be here to greet the mystery guest at 15.00, can't we just meet them at dinner in four hours? And where are Daniel and dad? If this person is so important we all have to be here, why aren't they here to greet them?

Just as I'm about to say fuck it and go back to my room I hear the cars pull up in front of the door. Some footsteps later and I hear a muffled dad say "Welcome home mi amore. Are you ready to meet everyone?" 

What? Is someone going to live here with us? And why does he call them love?

When the door opens, I see dad walking through the door followed by a brown curly haired girl looking like she saw a ghost as she takes everything in. Who the hell is this? And why does she look like us? 

"Dad, what the hell is going on?" 

"Ah, Mateo, nice of you to join us. I take it from your reaction that no one filled you in on what's happening?" He shoots a quick glare to the others who look down like they have been caught stealing candy from a baby.

"Everyone, this is your sister Maya. She will be living with us from now on. She hasn't talked to anyone yet, but we don't know if it's by choice. Untill we know for sure, we will all be nice to her and take into account that she will not verbally answer."

What the actual fuck is going on? "This is a prank, we don't have a sister. I don't have a sister!" This is too much. I can't deal with this. 

I turn around and run upstairs to my room but before I reach the door I hear Daniel shouting my name. I ignore him, I need time to think. They can't just drop this on me and expect it all to be fine. 

I don't know how to act towards a sister, she probably likes make-up and shopping and all that stuff. I don't know anything about those things. How can I make her feel welcome when I don't know how to act towards her? 

What if she doesn't like me? 

💫 Maya 💫

After one of the boys in the lobby ran upstairs, from what Daniel has told me I'm guessing that's Mateo, the one who doesn't like anyone, I turn my attention to the floor again. 

My suspicion is confirmed when Daniel yells "Mateo" from behind me, making me flinch a little. My step-father only shouted when something was wrong, it was almost always followed by the belt. 

"Boys, please introduce yourselves" Álvaro says to the remaining three of my brothers although I don't think I need the introductions. The youngest who looks like he is about to explode must be Hugo. Then there is de slightly older boy who looks at me with a sad smile and tears in his eyes, that must be Martín, the emotional teddy bear. That leaves the 20-something man with the small smile to be Lucas. 

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