Chapter sixteen

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"Silence is the most powerful scream." - unknown


💫 Maya 💫

The docters appointment went well, I think. I wasn't really paying attention but I could still feel his hands on me. It felt a little too much like him.

After the appointment I went straight to my bedroom, leaving dad and the docter talking. I already know the extend of my injuries.

When I went down for dinner, I noticed everyone was already seated. Mateo has a bandage on his knuckles, what happened? Martín has red eyes from crying, Lucas is glaring at the table and Hugo is giving me a smile. But it's not his usual smile, it's a sad smile.

They know.

"Mi amore, Daniel told the rest about today and what happened to you. I hope you are okay with that?" I just stare at my plate, I guess I'm okay with it but I don't want them to look at me differently. It doesn't feel right. I still give a small nod to dad. 

After dinner I went on my usual walk and straight to bed, being exhausted from everything that happened today. 

🏒 Martín 🏒

So..... there's a fist shaped hole in the livingroom wall. Mateo couldn't control himself when he heard all the things that happened to nuestra hermanita. (our little sister)

Everyone has a different coping mechanism, for Mateo it's punching something or someone, for me it's crying, Hugo always puts on his biggest smile and Lucas shuts down completely. 

The next morning was as normal as can be, eat breakfast and go to school. 

At lunch, my eyes kept drifting to a table in the back corner. Specifically to a brown curly haired girl sitting against the wall with her back towards us. 

Mateo, me and our friends are sitting at a table in the middle. This is half of the hockey team, the other half is sitting a few tables down with Hugo. 

This team is as close as they can be with eachother. We chill at eachothers houses and train two times a week. Usually we see eachother at a party or match in the weekend as well. 

As my attention is still on mi preciosa, she looks back like she is feeling someone watching her. I quickly turn my attention back to my table in time to hear "So can we chill at your house this afternoon Mateo?" 

Normally, it wouldn't be a problem at all but since Maya is there, I quickly sent dad a text to ask if it's okay. Mostly because we haven't told the team about her yet. Mateo answers while I type "The answer is probably yes but we need to ask dad first. We have a new family member living in the house now."

"Wait seriously? Who is it?" Asks Sergio, one of the best goalies I have ever seen. Right as Mateo opens his mouth to answer I get a notification. Text from dad: Of course, just make sure Maya knows they are coming beforehand.

He looks at me expectantly and I answer for the table to hear, "We recently found out we have a little sister, she has been living with us for a few days now but doesn't talk. Dad said you all can come over if we just tell her beforehand." 

I see a few of the boys getting exited, "Don't even think about it or I will personally neuter you in your sleep!" Mateo buds in before they can say what they're thinking. Wild animals. 

I walk over to Hugo and the rest of the team to tell them to meet at our house at 14.00 since school is out at 13.00 today. 

Last period goes by quickly and as the final bell rings I jump up to see how mi preciosa is doing. When I get outside she's not there yet, what if something happened? Before I can completely spiral I see her walking outside with her friends. 

When she sees me she walks towards me with her phone out 'I know you were watching me at lunch, are you okay?' How can she still be so pure after everything she's been through? 

I give her a nod "I'm good, was just making sure you were okay." This seems to satisfy her. 
"Come on, let's go home." 

The drive home was just another private concert from Hugo, this time I couldn't contain my laugh, it sounds like a cat is stuck in a centrifuge. 

When we enter the house Maya goes straight upstairs, I just hope she's okay. 

Hugo, Mateo and I seperate our ways as well but when the doorbell rings around 14.00 we all meet in the livingroom. 

The entire team feels like family, dad thinks so as well when he just pops by to say hi to everyone. 

After about an hour of the boys being here and just chilling, I see Maya standing in the dooropening to the livingroom. Shit, I forgot to tell her the team would be coming over. 

Her eyes widen a bit when she sees we're not alone and she quickly turned her gaze down. Almost everyone's attention is focussed on her now, she doesn't like attention. I stand up and walk towards her, motioning for her to follow me into the hallway. 

"Hey, preciosa, I'm sorry. I should have told you the hockey team would be coming here this afternoon. Do you need help with something?" She gives a small nod and takes out her phone notes. 

'Do you know where Álvaro is?' I know she hasn't known us for a long time but her calling dad 'Álvaro' hurts a little. Like she hasn't accepted us as her family yet. 

"He's probably in the study working on some things. Want me to show you to the door?" She gives a small nod again. "Okay, follow me, preciosa."

Reaching the door I tell her this is it and leave her to it. As I walk away I hear a knock and dad saying a quick "Come in".

Getting back to the living room with the team I notice almost all the boys are still silently watching the door. 

"She's so tiny, how old is she?"
"She looks just like you all."
"What's her name?"

Before Mateo, Hugo or I can answer the questions, I hear a whisper coming from the corner where Leonardo is sitting. I'm not even sure if I heard him right.


A/N - iieeee who do you think Leonardo is?
how does he know our Maya?? Any thoughts?

How's everyone's summer break going?

Remember, I love you <3

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