Chapter fourteen

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"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality" - Alice in Wonderland


💫 Maya 💫

After Daniel and I made the planner, I went upstairs and listened to some music. Dinner without Álvaro felt really weird. Waking up and not seeing Álvaro in the morning felt weird. Knowing he is not in the house makes me panic a little. 

He has been more of a father the past five days than my step-father has ever been. 

When I was walking out with the twins and Hugo to go to school I walked past the home office and heard Daniel say something on the phone, "She is good, everyone is good. You will be home before they get back from school right? We need to talk about something that happened yesterday."

Shit, did I do something wrong yesterday? I knew I shouldn't have broken down with Daniel, now they probably think I am too weak for this family. I just hope they don't sell me to him again. I don't think I could survive another 'surprise'. 

When we get to school I part ways with the boys and meet up with my new friends in the hallway. The first two classes I have are with Landon and Noah.

During first period they kind of just talked between the two of them. I don't blame them, I'm Aella's friend, not theirs. I'm just glad they let me sit with them in class. 

Second period is when Landon and Noah are starting to ask me questions. They say they want to get to know me so they ask questions like "What is your favorite colour?" and "How do you like school so far?"

After a few more of these types of questions, they start asking me about the move and such, "So how is life like living with the infamous Sanchéz brothers?" Infamous? 
'What do you mean?'

"Well, since they are kind of the most powerful people in this school, everyone listens to them and when you don't their father or oldest brother is called to handle it with the principal." Oh, so Álvaro wasn't kidding when he said they had influence. They are basically just feared by everyone. 

'It's okay.' I don't know what else to say, it's been better than with my step-father but I can't say that without explaining everything and I don't know them good enough for that. "Okay, that's good. If anything ever happens or if they are being dickheads, just give a call and me or landon will pick you up okay?" 

I give them a nod. I don't think I will ever need to call them but it's nice to have a safety net to fall back on. 

"Oh wait, you don't have our numbers. Give me your phone so I can add yours and also put you in the groupchat!" Noah says excitedly. 

Noah added you to 'procrastination station'. Good name I guess? It's probably some sort of inside joke I don't understand. 

When in the messages app I also notice I have been added to two other groups:
'Kids in dad's basement👦👧' and the first chat after I had been added was Hugo changed group name from 'Kids in dad's basement👦' to 'Kids in dad's basement👦👧' so I guess they want me to feel included.
The second groupchat is 'Full house' with the boys, dad and me. 

Holy shit, did I just call Álvaro dad subconciously? I guess he really is. But what if he doesn't like me calling him dad? I'll just keep referring to him as Álvaro, probably better for everyone.

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