Chapter twenty two

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"Enjoy life. 
There's plenty of time to be dead."
 - Hans Christian Anderson


💫 Maya 💫

I was in my room for about five minutes when I hear the doorbell. When I walk down and into the lobby I see Aella, Sofia, Landon and Noah standing there with Daniel.

"Ah there you are, princesa. I was about to come and get you." Daniel says while smiling at me. 

The rest of them are too busy admiring the big house from the inside to notice. 

I walk towards them and give Aella a tap on her shoulder, she turns to me and pulls me into a strong hug, "Oh my god I was so worried when Noah said something happened at practice friday, are you okay?!" 

Giving her a little nod with a small smile, I mouth 'I'm okay'. I don't feel ready to talk to them yet, but I think I'm getting closer. 

"Maya, why don't you get comfortable in the game room, I will bring some snacks and drinks to you guys." 

"Yeah, that sounds amazing! Maya, can we have a tour of the house and your room as well? I don't think any of us have ever been here." Noah says with a big smile on his face, he reminds me of Hugo. 

I give him a smile, hoping he knows I mean it as a yes, and walk towards the game room. When I turn around I see all four of them following me while looking at the walls and ceilings, just wanting to take everything in. 

I get it, it's a beautiful house. Sometimes I just take a walk through the house to look at everything and discover rooms and things I haven't seen before. 

Entering the game room Landon and Noah directly start towards the ps5 in the corner. "Can we play games Maya??" I give them a nod and turn towards the girls who are already eying the nintendo.

"Wanna play mario kart?" Sofia asks me with a smirk on her face. I have no idea what mario kart is but I guess I can figure it out.

After about an hour of playing all sorts of different games, some with duos, others with all five of us, there is a knock on the door and dad enters with a big plate of all sorts of snacks and a big jug of lemonade and five glasses. 

"Hey there, everyone. I am Maya's father, Álvaro. I see you're all having fun?" He says while looking at every single one of them for a few seconds and then at me with a smile. 

Landon stands up and walks towards dad, "Hey Mister Sanchéz, I am Landon." while shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, Landon. And please, Álvaro is okay."

Next up is Aella, she also stands up and shakes dad's hand "I'm Aella, nice to meet you."
"My name is Sofia, thank you so much for letting us hang out here."
"I'm Noah, Luis' little brother." 

"Oh, that's why I recognise you, Luis is a great hockey player and friend of the family. So are all of you from now on. Would everyone like to stay for dinner at 19.00?" 

I hear a chorus of 'yes's' and 'if it's okay's' but dad doesn't say anything, he just looks at me, waiting for my answer. 

I guess it could be fun to have them for dinner, but it is changing my set in stone hours. Daniel says I should push myself to learn how much I can take so I guess this is the perfect opportunity to push my limits. 

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