"What's so wrong with her checking it out?" The femme asked the mech in front of him.

"I...Ratchet said not to let her near it," Wheeljack defended himself, raising his servos. He had put the woman outside when Aries had arrived.

The alarms weren't set for the room they were in, so they weren't aware of what was going on. But before, when Koda walked into the room they were blaring. The room was soundproof, aside from when the door was open.

"Even so, she should be allowed to see the damn thing! It's important to her," The taller femme argued, her brows furrowed. Both of the Bots' were glaring at one another slightly.

Waiting for each other to make a move. Wheeljack raised a fist and aimed at Aries' helm, but she grabbed it and slammed the wrecker into the ground.

"I don't want to get hit with a wrench again!" Wheeljack kicked out Aries' legs.

"Well, then you'll have to deal with me then," Aries grumbled as she fell.

The two were at it for a few minutes till Ratchet burst through the door, "What is going on in here?!"

"The kid saw the machine and Wheeljack freaked out. I thought she would have been with you," Aries replied and shoved Wheeljack away. The femmes optics looked at the ground, she didn't spot Koda, "Do you know where she is?"

The Autobot medic rubbed his temples, "Great..." He turned to Wheeljack, "Well the teams down, I need you and Aries to run to the navigational room. Soundwave will bridge you out, I'll find Koda. We don't know what to expect so just be aware of your surroundings when you go get the others."

Wheeljack smirked, "I'm a wrecker, I don't need to watch my 'surroundings' Doc."

Both Ratchet and Aries shook their helms. The femme walked out of the room, "Come one Wrecker, let's go. And Ratch, keep me posted on the kid."

The white and orange-red mech nodded. He let the two walk away before he looked out into the hallway. His pedes brought him down the hallway, going right. The alarm's had been turned off, which left the ship quiet again.

"Koda?" Ratchet called out softly as he looked into a room.

There was no reply.

Not for the next couple of rooms either.

That was until the Autobot medic walked into a small storage room.

"What were the alarms for earlier?" The woman asked, as she walked up to her Sire, "And I'm not apologizing for anything."

Ratchet chuckled, "Oh I know. Nothing was even your fault, what I had told Wheeljack was that you couldn't turn the Jaeger on. And that was when you first arrived here. As for the others...we don't know if they are in trouble or not. They're signals were scrambled up, Soundwave is working to locate them again."

"Hopefully they're okay," Koda mumbled, she ran a hand through her hair.

The medic was confused, usually his femmeling was always wanting to go out there and help fight, "You don't want to join them?"

He moved to let Koda pass by him. The two walked in silence for a few moments, "I always want to go out there and help them. It's...I've never piloted a Jaeger aside from Gipsy. And seeing that core again...just brought back a few memories."

"You're afraid something bad will happen again?"

"No, it's not that...this is something different," Koda replied. A heavy sigh escaped her and she picked up her pace.

Ratchet stopped walking and observed Koda for a moment. He opened his sub space and pulled out the woman's suit. It was the one she'd worn while piloting Gipsy. Same tech, only repaired.

Woman and Machine II (TFP & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now