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"Is this some kind of joke? Come on, It has to be. Look at this silly man with some silly bunny head he probably stole from a child. I'm not completing your shitty little game." Matt jokes around hoping for his "friends" to agree with him. He always tries to be a useful person like a entertainment for the group as he was once called useless by them.

"Matt, I don't think he's joking around, he looks pretty serious." -Jamie

"Yeah, there's no way you're saying this to him, watch out he might kill ya." - Oli

"I agree, Matt, you're such a loser, why would you think we would agree with you." Xavier

"For real, we aren't even friends so obviously we aren't on your side, I want to complete the puzzle and get outta here alive." Ben

"Guess he's not making it out alive." -Jamie
"Hahahahahahahaha" all his friends and the the class decide to laugh with Jamie making Matt cry and make him mad.

"You disobey my rules, I end your life." He threw a sword that sliced all his limbs and hung him on top of the door so when the door closed, his body squeezed all blood out and make him flat.

Everyone began to freak out and scream.

Matt's 'friend' group were in disbelief as they weren't really serious about what they said.

"Was it all our fault?!" Jamie panicked as he jumps to conclusion.
"N-no! Don't s-say that!" Oli and started to bawl his eyes out.
"I'm so sorry Matt! I didn't know it was going to end up like this!" Ben also started to cry loudly.
"Yeah! I'm sorry too!" Xavier joins in feeling bad.

"What did you guys do!" Ella ran towards the group and started to cry and shout even louder. she approaches Jamie and starts to hit him hard. She couldn't stop hitting him as she felt anger. "You murderers!"

Jamie however, took the hits and no one stopped her and watched her hit him.

It's all your fault! All your fault! All your fault! All your fault! All your f-" she got interrupted by the man. "20 mins left." The guy said before leaving the room.

"1 down, 29 to go." the man's voice echoed. Matt's body suddenly disappeared as he spoke.

📢Player number 20 eliminated📢

"Player number 20 eliminated? Who said that? It was through the speakers." Dannie asked confused.

"Wait, we are numbered?!" -Ella

"Check your pockets everyone!" Jamie shouted as he shoves his hand through his deep pockets and finds a piece of paper. It reads player number 2.

Suddenly, everyone starts to place their hand inside their pockets and discover their numbers.

"What do these numbers mean? I'm player number 3" - Ella
"I'm not quite sure." Jamie replied whilst looking under desks for any clues.

"Let's solve this damn game and let's get out of here! We only have 20 mins left and yet no clues are found!" Ella shouted so the whole class could hear.

"She's right, we don't want die, don't we?" - Rue

They all gathered together and searched around the classroom for clues.

"You guys look over to the left and you guys over to the right. If anyone finds clues shout 'found' got it?" Ella directed the whole class even though she still is upset about her crush's death. Life goes on.


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