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"My suitcases... they're gone..." she tears up.

"Do you know what else is gone? My best friend. My best friend from childhood, he's gone forever while you can still buy new suitcases..." Jamie interrupts Rue as he cries.

"I'm so sorry..." she whispers as she cries even more. "I'm the worst person alive for caring about stupid suitcases while my cousin is in pain..." she moved away as she felt like she didn't deserve to be near him right now.

"Why... why did you have to leave me... you... you could have hanged on at least a little longer... I-I.. why-" Jamie nonchalantly let out these words falling to his knees as he witnessed his friend fall to his death.

"I promise you it's going to be okay... I feel your pain..." Ella slowly squatted down and hugged Jamie from behind so tightly and letting out tears as she feels so much agony.

Even though she was still angry at him, she feels that no one should be going through this pain alone. She has a sweet spot for everyone.

📢Player number 15 eliminated📢

"15, his favourite number..." Oli said under his breath as he looks down upon his feet. Eyes brimmed with tears while Ben hugs him tight. "Birthday date as well." He replies also letting out tears.

They all couldn't help but cry. However, the bunny masked guy behind them couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. "Kids these days."

Everyone turned around as they hear the man laugh loudly.

"Can't you just let us go!?" Oli shouted still crying.

"No, I love to see kids suffer." He continues to laugh and walks off. "I see you in the next game."

"There are more games?" -Jamie

"More than you can count on your fingers." He replied so distant.

"He's joking, he has to be." -Lola

He stopped and turned around. "You've got 60 seconds to get to the sports hall or else you're going to end us like your little friend of yours."

The sports hall is about 5 mins away from the classrooms. How are they meant to make it in a minute?

Everyone looked at each other for a split second before running towards the sports hall as fast as they could. They were so desperate for survival that they even pushed anyone on their way. "M-move out the way, I- I wanna make it out alive!" Ben was struggling to breath but still ran for his life.


"Well done, I see no one wants to die." He scans the whole room and notices that everyone was out of breath. "If you want water, they are right over there." He points at the end of the hall meaning that they have to run again. This made them sweat even more.
Ben, being smart, walked instead.

"W-water I need water!" -Ella

There are perfectly 28 bottles of water for each player.

A girl took a bottle of water desperate for hydration and something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" Ella asked raising an eyebrow. She gets closer to her, puts the bottle down and placed her hand on the girl's arched back. "You look pale..."

"I-im not feeling very well... the water tastes like-" *cough cough cough cough*

She couldn't stop coughing. The next second, she faints.

"W-What's happening?" Ella dropped on the floor and immediately started to shake the girl to see if she could respond. "Somebody call 999! Somebody call 999!"

"No one is going to save her. I made it happen." The man chuckles.

"What did you do to her!" Ella, in fury, got off the floor, wiped a tear, turned around and started to shout at the man. "Why are doing this to us?! Why are you making us suffer?!"

"Player number 3, quiet down."

"I have a name and I prefer you to call me by it, Ella!" She gets closer to him not even scared. However, Jamie interrupted and placed his hand in front of Ella. "Back up, he's dangerous." He whispers.

"Player number 3, I don't like your attitude." He stares down at her.

📢Player number 30 eliminated📢

"Will you just explain what's going on? A girl just died and you don't give a fuck!" Jamie stepped closer to him.

"Welcome to your second game. Firstly, I want to congratulate you for completing your first game. I'm impressed by how you managed to figure the puzzle out. Anyways, In this game there are 28 bottles. 20 are are safe to drink, while 8 of the them are poisoned. You will take turn to pick a bottle and you must drink it. Not drinking will result death upon you. The order of choosing the bottle is your birthday date. You will have 20 minutes to complete this game. 20 minutes on the clock starts, now. Let the game begin!"

"This is such a scary game, I want to leave this horrible place!" Rue starts to cry.

"I- I don't want to play anymore... I just wanna go-" -Oli

"Home? Is that what you were going to say? Huh? You're getting on my nerves Oli" -Jamie

"Guys, we can't just give up now, let's fight through this! Let's do it for Matt and Xavier..." Jamie puts a fake smile on his face while trying to be positive. "Who's in?" He placed his hand on the middle.

Suddenly, one by one, they placed their hands on top of each other's.

"Fine, I'm in. Just for Matt and Xavier." -Oli
"Me too!" -Ben
"Me three!" -Ella
"Yep I'm in." -Dannie
"Who are they again?" -Rue

"Now let's work together and line up in the order of our birthday dates." -Jamie


"Wait... my birth date...it's on the first of April." Ella noticed while looking down. "Does anyone have their birth date on the first?" She questions loudly.

No response.

This meant that she was the first player to pick a bottle.

As she lined up, she was frightened. She couldn't stop shaking as the fear of death was rising up.

"You're gonna be fine." -Lola

She gulped so hard and slowly walked towards the bottles.


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