Chapter 42

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As I struggled to put on my bow tie I suddenly felt Micah come over and tie it for me with a smile. I returned his happy expression, today was the day when our packs would merge, finally! The packs had always been close and honestly it was a surprise it took this long for us to merge, but then again there was the worry about conflicts between alphas which was now no longer a worry. Our packs had never fought with each other, and we'd been there for 327 years.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Firosa wrapping his arms around me from behind and asking, "you excited for today Princess?"

I happily told him, "yes! Our packs will finally merge! Also, I get to see you two in suits, and that... that is hot."

I took a second to admire their beauty, Firosa was in a dark red suit with a tie while Micah was wearing a dark yellow/gold suit. I was matching them with a yellow suit, but mine was a pastel yellow as that suited my personality more.

He grinned at my words, but Micah interrupted by giving us each a kiss and saying, "alright, we gotta go. The ceremony will be held in the new pack house, and that's a 13 minute drive so we need to get going before we're late."

I nodded in agreement and we all headed to the car, I sat in the back with Micah while Firosa drove.

We arrived and walked into the pack house, splitting up to help get everything ready before the event began. I went over and started helping the caterers with the preparations, noticing my mother helping too. Micah was helping move heavy chairs and tables into their proper place with my Dad while Firosa was up on the stage, helping to move a podium.

I took a moment to admire the event hall, taking in all it's magnificent architecture and design. The floor was a dark brown wood, while the walls were painted white. Accents of the dark wood went from the floor to the ceiling in tall beams, as well as lighter shades of the wood serving as trimmings. The room was about the size of a football field and the stage took up a fourth of the space. The ceiling was at least 20 feet high, and there were red and white streamers hanging from the ceiling, they were also all on the tables everywhere, they were being moved in front of the stage. The tables were made with the same dark wood, and they had intricate designs carved into them. The chairs matched the tables and they were just being brought in now, similar designs as the table were on the side of the chairs but there was a red cushion on each seat.

I refocused on helping out the caterers, telling them where they could put the appetizers down and making a few of them sit down and take a break since they looked tired. When the tables were set I started working with Micah and a group to set up a giant buffet table. I mostly helped with telling them where to put it as every time I tried to help lift it I was scolded by Micah, Firosa, Clark, my father and my mother. I then helped the caterers to put all the main dishes on the table, there was food of all kinds so we wouldn't have to worry about anyone not eating. I placed little cards in front of each dish that displayed the food type, ingredients, carbohydrates and all the information you could think of as there were a couple people in the packs with diabetes, allergies and etcetera. We didn't know about health issues with other packs so I had made sure that we'd have detailed descriptions for the food.

Once everything was set up we had an hour before the event started, so Micah, Firosa and I headed to the garden to relax. We laid down on a blanket beside each other, we were under an arch of beautiful red flowers that made me smile. I was holding both of their hands to my chest, and I had closed my eyes.

We could hear Gabriel, Firosa's brother, playing with some other pups in the garden near us and I smiled at the sound. The second I'd met Gabriel I was in love with the small boy, he had excitedly told me all about school and his friends. We'd first met just over 5 months ago, and he came over to our house on weekends. I was happy to have him there, he had his own room and we had become close friends. My mates and I loved the kid, and how could anyone not? He was the sweetest child you'd ever meet, when Firosa was driving him home from school one day he'd surprised me with wildflowers.

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