Chapter 41

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A gentle breeze came in through the window, and I looked around to see Micah and Firosa had fallen asleep beside me. The grass swayed lightly in the wind, I didn't understand how or why but... I felt as if it was calling me. Telling me that I needed to be there.

I silently stood up, walking out onto the patio without making a single sound. I stepped on the wood panels that made up the deck, taking a second to breathe in the fresh air. I kept moving and used the steps to get down to the grass. I walked into the tall grass filled yard filled with weeds and wildflowers. I walked about 10 meters away from the deck before I felt that this was where I was supposed to be.

I sat down, feeling the plants consuming me and shift as I sat. I waited for a few minutes before I saw him.

He was a majestic, beautiful young buck(male deer), who's antlers were quite large considering how young he looked.

I slowly stretched out my hand and he walked towards me, bending down his head to sniff my hand. I smiled at him and reached up to pet his head, moving slowly so that I wouldn't scare him away. He let me pet his head, leaning his head to the side when I scratched behind his ear. I giggled and itched behind his ear again, the buck gave me a grateful nod. I nodded back and he slowly lowered himself down to the ground, resting his head in my lap and looking up at me. I started gently petting his head again, he stayed still and only twitched his ears every now and then.

I heard a faint rustling and looked up to see a family of seven rabbits staring at me. I gave them a gentle smile and they timidly hopped towards me. I slowly reached out my hand to the mother and she tentatively sniffed my fingers, letting me pet her head. Once all her babies saw that I was nice they all hopped over, all but one snuggling into the deer. I looked at the odd one out, who was staring back at me. I noticed he was skinnier than the other rabbit, he looked to be the runt of the group. I nodded my head to him, understanding how he must feel being the weakest out of the group. He hopped into my lap, snuggling into my legs that I had crisscrossed. I gave him a light pat on the head and turned to go back to petting the buck. While I was petting the deer I decided on names for them all.
Random fun facts: Rabbit mothers are actually almost never near their children. The baby rabbits(forget the actual name) don't have a scent, but the mother does. So she goes out and searches for food, spreading her scent away from where the lil ones are. She comes at dawn and dusk to feed them, but other than that she leaves them alone. If you think a bunch of baby rabbits has been abandoned, sprinkle flour or baby powder in a circle around where the babies are. Check in a day and if there's rabbit footprints they're fine, if not call your nearest shelter for help.

I heard footsteps thudding quietly inside and all of the creatures around me tensed, I knew it was one of the boys so I reassured them saying, "it's alright. It's just Micah or Firosa, don't worry."

Unfortunately Micah and Firosa were worried about me so they ran out into the grass and all of the animals scattered, except for the skinny rabbit, Zeke. Firosa rushed to grip my face making me look up at his worried face. I looked up at him calmly, waiting for him to speak.

Micah frantically asked, "Aliah, what are you doing out here!? Why didn't you wake us!?!? You know it's not safe even here after Derick's sudden appearance!"

I felt guilty and didn't like the tone he was using, I felt a lump in my throat and knew I wouldn't be able to speak without crying. I held up Zeke in explanation of my actions, and they both understood after a couple seconds.

"Wait, there was a deer that ran off when we came..." Firosa trailed off, looking at me in confusion.

I nodded and put the rabbit back in my lap, gently stroking his head. Micah sat next to me and started to rub my back, leaning his head on my shoulder. After a minute he spoke, "you scared us. We woke and you were gone. Please leave a note or something next time, with all the drama going around right now we're all on edge."

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