Chapter 2

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I hummed my favourite song, GRRRLS by AViVA, the night core version of course. I'm not an animal. Well... I'm a werewolf so I'm part wolf so... focus before you get lost again. I reminded myself.

I was walking home from school, Micah was going to come over later so we could work on our project. I was kind of disappointed we weren't going to the pack house, but I got to see him so I was happy.

Crap. I'm lost again. Seriously Aliah? You literally go down this path everyday. I sighed as I looked around the streets to try and find a sign to figure out where the hell I was. I couldn't find a sign so I figured the most reasonable thing to do was keep walking.

As I was walking I saw an open field. That's weird... I don't remember ever coming across a field when I get lost... and that's a daily occurrence. I could see an old wooden bench in the dead centre of the field.

I walked over to the bench and plopped down to see if my phone's GPS could figure out where I was. I opened my location tracking app, the whole screen started to glitch. What the duck?

"C'mon... I really need to know how to get home..." I complained to my phone.

"That won't work here." A deep voice suddenly said from in-front of me, successfully scaring me half to death as I immediately yelled and tried to back away, falling right on my ass.

The stranger lightly laughed at my foolishness, then offered me a hand to get back up. As he helped me get up, I noticed he was taller than me, he had red hair that I instantly admired for its beauty. It popped out strikingly against his pale skin. The decidedly handsome stranger looked me over to make sure I wasn't hurt.

I chuckled and said, "I'm okay, just a bit clumsy." As I looked up at him and his piercing, forest green eyes that I didn't want to look away from.

Simp. My mind mocked me. I tried to push those thoughts out of my head so I could ask the guy directions to get home.

"Um, sorry to be a bother, am I? And do you happen to know how I get back to seaway street?"

The stranger chuckled and spoke in his melodic voice, "you are quite the strange one... you never take the same route to get home, but you always arrive there."

I was starting to feel uncomfortable and scared as I asked timidly, "how do you know I never take the same route home?"

"I've been watching you for awhile Aliah. I probably know more about you then you do." He said with a smirk. His voice gave me chills as I started to try and back up. I nearly tripped on the grass but he quickly grabbed me by the waist.

"Careful princess," he chuckled with a smirk. My mouth gaped open at his bold flirtatiousness as my cheeks heated up and I knew it was obvious I was blushing.

"Your streets to the left, try not to get lost again." He winked at me and left me staring and shocked as he walked away.

I was creeped out, but also watched him in wonder and awe as he stalked off. Strangely he felt like someone I could trust... despite the whole 'I've been watching you' thing.

"I'll see you again soon Princess!" He called over his shoulder. Something in me knew he spoke the truth, and I'd never admit it but I was excited for that day as butterflies flew in my stomach from his nickname.

Once he was out of sight I slowly made my way back home. By the time I got there I only had 10 minutes before Micah would be there so I grabbed a hoodie so I'd be more comfortable. I sat down on the couch with the stranger stuck in my mind as I waited.

Finally Micah came and I waved to him from the couch, trying to give him a casual feeling from me despite the butterflies I got from one look at him. As I took a closer look at him, I impulsively said, "your hair is different."

Micah chuckled and said, "yeah, I got a new barber. I think the braids look mostly the same but he added in some gold pieces. Haven't decided wether I like or not."

"I like it. It suits you. Plus it matches your rings." I tried to say casual and not stare at his handsome face that was framed perfectly by his new braids.

He smiled and I quickly looked away to open the laptop I'd put on the coffee table a few minutes ago.

We started creating the slideshow together and he handled most of the layout as I was getting frustrated with the computer. I've never been all too good with technology, I much preferred nature.

After about an hour we decided we'd done enough for today. I closed down the laptop as he grabbed snacks from the cupboard that we could eat while we watched something random. There was a new documentary that I wanted to see so I put that on as we ate our snacks.

When the documentary finished Micah said he had to go, which made me sad but I tried my best to hide it and said good night to him at the door as he drove away.

Hello my ducklings! Once again thanks for reading my story! Also, if you have any suggestions or see a grammar mistake please feel free to comment on it and I'll try to work on it as soon as I'm able too!

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