Through the Halls of Time

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The presence of Angelina made me hesitant to broach the topic with Raphael. It felt like a conversation better suited for a more private setting.

As time slipped by, Raphael's departure came unexpectedly, and I found myself without the chance to delve into the matter with him.

Despite the missed opportunity, my mind remained consumed by the questions that had been nagging at me.

The unsettling connection between Satan and Gabriel loomed like a shadow, casting doubt and concern over the entire situation.

The mysteries that surrounded this enigmatic link remained unresolved, leaving me anxious and unsure of what it all meant.

The worry persisted, a constant thread weaving through my thoughts, pulling me back to the unknown.

I knew that eventually, I would need to seek answers, to confront the secrets that had become an intricate part of my life.

But for now, with Raphael's departure and the presence of Angelina, I chose to keep my concerns close, waiting for the right moment to unravel the tangled web that seemed to entwine the fates of all involved.

As Raphael bid farewell, my mind was a whirlwind of unresolved questions and emotions.

My gaze met his, and I managed a cold smile-a silent reminder that I sought answers, that the mysteries gnawing at me couldn't be brushed aside.

Angelina's gaze held a depth of understanding, as if she could sense the turmoil I was navigating.

Her eyes, filled with compassion, met mine with a silent acknowledgment of the challenges I faced. It was as though she possessed an intuitive awareness of the weight that rested upon my shoulders, a recognition that I was grappling with something beyond the ordinary.

In that shared moment of unspoken connection, I felt a sense of comfort.

Even if the words were not exchanged, the simple act of her gaze conveyed support.

As Angelina looked at me with that profound understanding, a wave of gratitude washed over me.

She smiled at me." Eve! You are tired! So you go and take rest ! "

"I need to go out to do some shopping!"

I had no strength to speak! So I chose to nod!

Exhaustion weighed heavily on my body, the events of the day taking their toll. My limbs felt heavy, as if each step required an extra effort. The need for rest was undeniable.

I retreated to the solace of my room, craving the solitude that would allow me to gather my thoughts, to recharge my weary spirit.

Alone in the quiet of my room, I had the chance to reflect, to let the events of the day settle, and to allow my mind the respite it needed.

The silence was a welcome companion, offering a space where I could unravel the tangle of emotions and contemplate the path that lay ahead.

With each passing moment, I could feel a sense of calm washing over me, a gentle reminder that despite the chaos, I could find a sanctuary within myself, a place to gather my strength and prepare for the conversations and challenges that lay ahead.

Lying down gently on the bed with my journal in hand, I began to pour out my thoughts, recounting the tumultuous events that had unfolded.

The pen danced across the pages, capturing the highs and lows, the mysteries and emotions, weaving a narrative that mirrored the whirlwind that had become my reality.

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