Whispers of the Past

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I am in love with something that do not exist anymore . Something that is unknown , like the history which I know but still , there is too much to know, too much to explore , and many more left behind. I am in search of those lost parts of me. Those pieces waiting to be synchronised and give a meaning !

I wanted to know the past . May be somewhere in my heart I began to love him . May be these were just the memories I lost. The memories I was in search of !

May be I was fallen for him just because I loved him centuries ago .

May be I was facsinated by the idea of that dreamy life that I did never think would exist .

May be ...!

May be I was fallen for those stary eyes for which my heart was longing in the darkness !

I was feeling a sense of deep belonging with him . I was looking into his eyes . He was looking into mine .

I did not want to leave his side . I did not want to remove my hand from his . I wanted to dance with him for eternity.

It was just now I met him . But there were memories pulling me towards him .

He was like a mystery and I adore with full passion and my heart I offered . I was roaming in the search of the secret . My eyes were roaming all around his !

I don't drink But I was drunk .The intoxicating gaze in his eyes was enough to draw me in. In the embrace of a black suit, we dance together, and I find myself enamored by the depth and allure of his eyes. Their captivating charm speaks volumes, drawing me into a world of beauty and fascination. His presence exudes an enchanting aura, leaving me spellbound with each passing moment.

I could not hear anything clearly but I was falling for his words , his gestures , his eyes , whole him!

I saw suddenly the club roof disappear. It was so beautiful.

The start night with glowing clouds all over there. I could not remove my eyes from the gleaming moon !

The glorious shine of it cools me down. My rushing mind stopped . I was only staring at the moon with no thoughts anymore!

Nothing to ponder on. Just moon, him and me there!

While dancing I saw Angelina was looking at me smiling!

So it was the time to leave . We need to go back home.

Suddenly I was hit by a thought ! "Ohh my goodness! Gabriel must be waiting for us ! Angelina!"

"Ohh ! I also forgot."she replied.

"Wish to meet you soon ! Raphael !" I spoke looking at him .

He just gave me a smile !

And we came back home .

Gabriel was not at home . Home was all empty. I could not find him anywhere .

"May be he went to his home ! I was getting anxious.

Angelina was not concerned about him . She told me to ignore .

Well, after that we both went to have sleep .

After some time my eyes open . It was a whole different place. No one was there . But the place was fully beautiful.

Where I am ? I asked myself in wonder. Someone knocked the door! I opened , there was a lady standing there .

"Your Royal Highness, you are urgently called to the royal meeting!" she bowed .

"Well...!" I was about ask her about this all .

But she left , bowing infront of me!

I could think of nothing. I could not memorise where should I go !

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