In the Grasp of Malevolence

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It was a lovely feeling , meeting to him . Meeting him filled my heart with joy and excitement, causing a flutter of butterflies to dance in my stomach. The twinkle in my eyes and the genuine smile on my face reflected the happiness that coursed through my veins.

As they spoke, their laughter seemed to harmonize like a perfect melody, creating an atmosphere of warmth and connection. In that moment, every worry seemed to fade away, and all that remained was the euphoria of being in his presence.

But I was worried about Gabriel. "Where did he go? Why is not he coming back?"

My mind was consumed by worry as thoughts of Gabriel's sudden disappearance raced through my head. The uncertainty and absence of any clues deepened my concern, leaving me feeling helpless and anxious.

I found myself constantly searching for answers, but every avenue seemed to lead to a dead end. The weight of the unknown bore down on me, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

The emptiness left by his absence left me feeling lost and desperate for any news or information that could ease my troubled heart.

I tried to distract myself from his thoughts and also Raphael's thoughts. But I couldn't!

My heartbeat raced. And my running mind did not want to stop thinking about him.

The initial joy I felt upon seeing Raphael gradually dissolved, replaced by a growing sense of concern that settled heavily within me. My thoughts became increasingly preoccupied with worry.

The once-bright moments shared between us seemed to dim as my mind dwelled on the search for reasons behind Gabriel's absence . The worry lines on my forehead deepened, and my smile faded into a contemplative expression.

It was as if a cloud had cast a shadow over me , and the weight of my concern became palpable in the air.

Lost in a sea of memories, I walked over to the office window, my heart carrying the weight of nostalgia. Outside, the clouds retained our brilliance, and the breeze continued to caress my skin with its cool touch.

The sight of the clouds in the sky had always held a special place in my heart, a constant source of beauty and solace.

As I gazed up at the expanse above, a gentle smile curved my lips. The clouds seemed to dance in the sky, their ever-changing shapes and patterns a canvas of endless imagination.

With every passing moment, the clouds carried my thoughts back to cherished memories. Each fluffy formation seemed to hold a snapshot of days gone by, a nostalgic reminder of moments filled with joy, laughter, and connection.

The soothing breeze that accompanied the clouds brushed against her skin, stirring a sense of tranquility and contentment within me.

Amid the chaos and uncertainty of mycurrent situation, the clouds remained a constant reminder of the simple beauty that existed in the world.

They served as a beacon of hope, a touchstone to the past, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was still a source of light and comfort to be found.

A soft smile curved my lips as I recalled the moment when he had emerged from the clouds like a hero, rescuing her from that creepy place . The memory played like a cherished movie in my mind.

Just as my thoughts danced around that scene, my attention was abruptly drawn to the office door. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the handle turn and the door open.

A rush of exhilaration surged through my veins as I thought I saw Gabriel stepping into the cabin, his presence filling the room with a tangible energy. "Wow, he came!" I exclaimed, my excitement bubbling over.

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