Wings Of Protection

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"From whom ? " Tell me Angelina please ! My eyes opened instantly. I found myself in my room panting heavily . I was out of breaths. Angelina was not there .
Maybe the demon behind her took her away. Away from me !
So far from this humanly world ! To his demonic world !
Tears flowing from my eyes . But I could not sob. I could not speak out ! I could not cry out !
The room was still dark .
The darkness was pulling me towards itself . I could hear the piercing voice of hers . Her cries were taking my breaths away ! My eyes began to flutter.
I could not see anything clearly . I eyes began to close . My breaths were heavy .
I was feeling as if I was under water .
The old fear returned . I could not think anything. I could not hear anything.

Suddenly my eyes opened . I screamed out !
"I need to run to the office" , I remembered suddenly. "It is 12o'clock now ! What ?really? I was sleeping for so long!"
As I stepped outside of the room. I saw someone standing there.
"Is he Gabriel? He has come back . My eyes filled with tears ! I ran towards him . "
He turned towards me . "Micheal ! What are you doing here ? "
Micheal replied,"Madame ! I came here to see you . You did not come to the office today ."

"When I came here , I found the gate opened . You were lying unconscious. You had a high temperature.

.So I called the doctor . He has checked you and told to take rest . Medicine are also kept on the table . "

"Micheal ! Thanks a lot . " I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to express my Sorrows to him . I wanted to tell him the loss I have been through .
I wanted to tell him about that monster who killed her.
But I did not .

I kept my mouth close but my mind kept haunting me. Those walls kept haunting me .

Those glimpses of the horrific scene , been ghosting me .
Micheal Bowed in front of me ," Well Madame ! Let me take the leave . "

I did not say anything but gave him a cold smile . Smile that could display millions of emotions all at once , at that right moment. He left the place .
But Gabriel was there . He was there in every breath I have . He was there in every particle .

But I could not see him . I wish to have the sight of him .I ran onto the stairs . Running towards the roof top . The actual home of him . The home of Us .

The sky was still blue . Some bright orange clouds were there .
He was there . He was really there . I could not feel him . Every inch of my skin could feel the voice of him . My eyes could not be blinked . I wanted to grasp every element of him .
So badly . "Ahhh.."

I sat down down , looking at the sky which was turning dark . The gleaming day light began to fade away .
I recollected the pieces of mine lost in the search for him .
Taking a deep breath I called out , Gabriel! A glittering smile shown on my face .

As if the happiness of mine has returned back.
The cold wind began to blow . I was loving the weather .
My loose hair began to blow with the wind .
Winds are the same .
"The clouds are still pretty. How beautiful this all is ! "
Soothing wind and mystery carried by the clouds are just ecstatic .
But the sky is covered with the darkness .
The darkness that has covered my happiness too.
May be we love people just for losing them one day !
Hmm .. I know nothing is permanent! Like everyone told me since childhood.

There was a storm somewhere in my mind . To distract myslef from these thoughts , I looked down my roof . The strange spark covering the streets .
A little child playing with marbles.
The darkness was covering the street but there was a gleaming light .
Something strange , like a spark of light was in every element.
Looking at that kid , I memorised my childhood.
I wish I could go back to the past . I wish I could . I wish ..
Still I could not believe she has left me. The only person who stood for me is also no more .
I did not want the tears to let the tears come out !
"I don't wanna cry anymore."
Someone held me from the behind.
Gabriel! This is you ! I spoke softly looking at the sky .
He hugged my tightly . I did not want to ask him anything.
And he knew , I was broken . He spoke nothing . Neither I !
I closed my eyes . I wanted to feel him thoroughly.
Gently caressing my hair called me , "Evelyn ! I am really sorry . I never intend to hurt you ."
"And my Butterfly! She has safely reached her home . You can talk to her now .
No one would hurt her and you any more . I promise!"
A glittering smile shown on my face. I was shocked and happy same time .
I turned towards him .
He gave me a smile . I smiled at him .
The phone ringed , I ran to pick up the call . It was Angelina! I was on clouds nine .

I picked the call . Hello Angelina babe ! You ok ?
She replied,"Hey Eve! I am pretty well . And good news !
I am coming to meet ya ! "
"Ohh woww ! I am waiting for ya ! Hit me soon ! Bae!"

While I was talking to her . He was gentlly holding my hand .
She told me , "I am reaching tomorrow morning. Be ready love ! See ya soon "
"See ya tomorrow! Bye bye bae ! "

In excitement I hugged him ." Thank you so much for not letting her die ! "
This is the greatest favour . Thank you so much ! .

Well , I have got both of them . I could not express how glad I was !
While caressing my cheek he asked me , "did Raphael came here ? "
"Did he try to hurt you ? "
" I know no one named Raphael! "
"Are you talking about Micheal , my secratary?"

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