Veiled in Sorrows and Tragedic Echoes

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My blood soaked hands began to shiver ! With Shivering hands I touched her . This is Angelina ! My hands also covered with blood .

Did I kill her . Are my hands red with her blood ?

The blood which was the part of my life since always !

"No you are not ! It is that monster ." I consoled myself .

"Angelina !" I began to sob ! You also left me alone. But you promised me , to always be with me . My eyes were crying , but my heart was on exuberant heat .

Still the fire within me was not enough to burn that monster who snatched her from me ! My spine betrayed me. My body collapsed . I was fell down . I tried to move my fingers . But every part of my body refused to move .

I wanted to cry . I wanted let that pain out. But I couldn't! There were no more tears to cry.

May be I was waiting for the same day ! The day when I won't cry any more ! The day would be the greatest one to be celebrated. Celebrated to raise the toast to everyone I lost ! It is gonna be a grand celebration. Isn't it ?

"Wishing for a peaceful closure ! " I tried to give a gleeful smile to myself . But my lips denied to smile any more ! The only thing alive was the rage in my eyes for that monster !

Still , So weak and useless I am ! I could even stand for her . The pain multiplied and piled on my tender heart . The heart carrying pain of my life . The heart demanding the peace now . The peace wrapped in the dreadul joy of death ! The death, the termination, the last purpose in this cruel life.

Isn't it so early ? The fear engulfed me . The fear I have been running since always ! The fear I had in my heart . The fear that snatched everyone from me . But this time I had enough valor to cease this pain .

Suddenly, someone held me from the back . It was a comforting touch . Those fingers brushing through my skin reincarnating the will to live .

I tried to cry out Angelina! But my fluttering lips did not utter any sound. After trying so hard finally I could speak .

"Angelina !Is this you ? "It can not be ! She is dead . She is in my arms lying breathless . My choaked throat cried with tears in my eyes . I was helpless . But still I had enough fire to try standing up .

I heard a voice ," It is me ,My butterfly! " My weak legs began to recollect strength . I stood up

I jumped off , pushing that body away from me and hugged him tightly . He holding me gently , caressing my hair . I wanted escape that terrific incident . I could not find the solace . That creepy monster was still infront me .

I cried out , "Tell this monster to go away ! "

Taking me in the arms gently he told me ," Calm Down , Darla ! Nothing is gonna happen ! I am with you ! "

He brushed his hand on my head . I began to lose consciousness. I was feeling dizzy . I wanted to yell out to call him . But I could not!

I could listen few voices . Some creepy voices trying to terrorise me . I heard him Yelling at the creepy Monster "! I told ya ! Stay away from her ! Why don't you ? Why don't you just mind your own business? "

Monster replied , "Hey Brother! You..."

My eyes opened with a terrific nightmare . My breaths were racing . My hands and legs were shivering .

He ran towards me , kuddling me sweetly ,"My baby ! Don't be worried . I am here ,Darla ! "

His soothing voice calmed my racing heart beats .

Finally my eyes opened . It was me alone in this large house ! He was not there . The dark walls haunting me .

Still I chose to take breaths once again . Still I chose to keep this body alive .

The same old loneliness wrapped me .

As if telling me," I am the only one who would always with you , dear Evelyn !

"May be he also left me alone ! Like everyone did .

I went to cook breakfast for me . Everything was as usual as it was .

Alone ! No one with me ! Angelina not there! No sign of Gabriel !

But nothing is new . I am habitual to it . Everyone who promises leaves me at the end .

Also I needed to go to office . So I went to have bath .

Everything was going as usual . But the bath tub was having some black spots on it . The day before it was all cleaned .

There were so many thoughts going through my mind . "Why that monster called Gabriel ,' brother' ? And why was all that happened?"

"I can not see Angelina any more . I donno where she would be !"

"What was happened to her . The things I remember are true ? Or it was just my nightmare ! "

Swimming through these thoughts , I came out of the bathroom and I picked my phone . Dialing Angelina's Number , it was switched off .

Finally I decided to not think anymore . I left myself slumping onto the bed . Staring at the roof and the ceiling fan . My eyes betraying me , closed themselves and I was again dozzed off .

May be I was awake somewhere else . Suddenly my eyes opened . It was dark all around . The black walls were trying to engulf me into them . I ran towards the balcony .

My feet freezed . I could not move . It was again that monster . I met him the third time . I was trrozised . My heart beats beagn to race . I could feel the pain of my bones breaking . I wanted to cry out . But my voice did not support me .

My eyes were closed once again . I felt someone's touch . The relieving touch , that revived me of the pain, I was going through . My eyes opened fluttering. It was an unbelievable sight . It was her infront of me . I was on clouds nine . She was smiling at me . Still that monster was there behind her .

Her smile began to fade . The pain in her eyes was so clear . She held my hand carefully, telling me , "Go from here ! Evelyn! It is not safe for you . Stay away from ..."

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