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Haerin rolled her eyes as she look at the rear mirror of her car only to realized her dad's guard was following her with another car.

tsk. annoying

They really be keeping me shut in with their shits, i really hate this.. i just want to spend my time being with minji.. i wonder where she is right now?

A park suddenly grabbed haerin's attention.. this can be a good timing to actually talk that man out its just too annoying having someone follow me i'm not a kid anymore.

She stops her car at the parking area and same as the car following her not even trying to keep it a secret that he was following haerin.

I just want this to end. She scoffs as she knock at the window of the car and actually the person got out and she was right it was the guard.. now to finish this off she took out a money in her purse and shoved it at the guards chest and he actually took it but look at haerin confusedly as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't fvcking follow me" after that she turned her back and continue walking back to her car to drive again.

She looks at the guard once again and finaly he wasn't following her.. really people are just all about money and it can actually be still useful sometimes.

She smiled to her self and continue driving off to where she even is heading to, well who knows its Kang Haerin and her own world as always.


I don't even know what i'm doing right now.. she keeps on talking to them while i'm just listening and looking at her talk.

Hyein was really drawn to the girl just looking at her and nodding at everything that the girl would say not even knowing that she was smilling while staring at her.

"Hyein-ah? are u ok?"


Hyein snapped back to reality when the said girl she had been staring into called her name as she look around her friends they have a teasing smile at their faces and raising their brows playfully.

She soon realized that she was staring at the girl for a long time now and smiled at eunchae assuring her she was ok and then again they were back at talking about things

gosh.. what am i even doing they might actually assume i have fallen inlove at first sight.. but does that actually happen? and doesn't that mean you only fell inlove with that person's looks? well its not my concern i've never fallen inlove.. its not on my plan either.

she got her attention back at the girl talking beside her and grab another sandwhich at the plate infront of her offering it to eunchae which the girl accepted with a smile and continue talking.

she's really talkative huh? she managed to continue our ackward conversation and now look at this so lively.. really? isn't she a sunshine, her boyfriend must be lucky to have her huh? or does she have one? well.. its too soon asking she's my friend anyways.

isn't that gonna be weird asking if she has one.. she might think its something else.

"Btw, do you have a bf/gf" Hyein turned her gaze at danielle who suddenly asked, did she read my mind?

She turned her gaze at eunchae who was tilting her head, so cute.. what?

"No.. i don't have one, i don't think i will have one" Eunchae smiled finishing the topic off, so she's also a study first like me? well that's good.

Danielle grinned at hyein as soon as she look at her.. so she do know i wanted to know it.. well i'm curious she's really pretty and yeah i'm assuming by her looks.

"That's shocking.. since you're really pretty y'know, well have you tried falling inlove?" Eunchae smiled at the question and lowered her head still smilling, i wonder what is it all about.

Hyein was waiting for the girl's answer tilting her head as eunchae finaly looked up then suddenly their gazes met even thou she was on the girl's side, eunchae was looking at her.

"Well.. love at first sight i guess?" Her smile got even more big just thinking about the person she have fallen inlove with.

So she did have someone she like.. well it happens maybe i'm just one of a kind that i don't even have anyone that i like, also its good to have no one and its just me focusing on my self isn't that a good thing..

Well whoever she's liking.. maybe that person really is such a good person.

"I see, that's really interesting.." Danielle smiled at me like she knows something happening but i remained confused.. i really don't know anything about this kind of thing.

In the middled of the conversation minji suddenly stand up looking at her phone "Guys.. i need to go now" and then there she was running.

"Btw who's haerin?" eunchae confusedly said.. well she's probably curious since she don't know haerin

"Oh minji's-

"Girlfriend" hyein said cutting hanni's words off as she sip on her drink and hanni looking at her with a side eye.


"Nothing.." Hanni sighed and continue eating as danielle suddenly played a song at her phone and putting it at the middle of the blanket we were sitting into.

Hyein looked at the girl beside her as eunchae was listening to the song with eyes closed, so cute maybe this is her favorite song..

"is this your fave song?" hyein asked as the girl opened her eyes and smiled nodding.

She's so pure wtf even is this world.

"It feels like i loved that person from the start or longer even thou i just met them or its like what i said.. love at first sight" Hyein nodded, well its understable since the song is looking like it or it was someone you've loved even from the start.


idk how to end another chap again lol istg.. i made this a week ago.

Too busy to update another;>
i just got backstabbed istg block.

I'm just gonna continue whats inside my head afterall.. it doesn't matter anymore if its a bad ending or a good ending:>

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