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At first day of school, minji expected this kind of tiring and no rest at the student council office ofc she is the president. And its always the first day no difference its always it.

Minji was laying flat at her table looking at the papers that her secretary had thrown onto her.

while hanni was sipping her drink looking at minji. Thinking of unserious things again.

"wow, despite looking so stress you still have that good face" hanni winked trying to show off her rizz, while minji looked back with disgust.

As the Vice President Hanni was supposed to be helping her with the students application and keeping an eye on the students on her behalf but here she was.. just trying to make minji laugh, but it failed so she became a clown instead.

While hyein was there just laughing watching hanni winking nonstop at minji who's looking at her with pure disgust.

A loud noise was made when the door opened loudly reaveling jisoo

"Guys! what are you doing we don't have time for that!" jisoo said panting from running all the way into the office.

"Jisoo girl, y'know you should calm your nerves down, it might hide ur pretty face" minji side eyed the girl who's literally flirting with everyone on the council. While hyein was trying to stop her laughter.

"Pham Hanni i'm older than you" jisoo rolled her eyes and walked towards the really stressed girl trying to keep up with the work that her secretary had been giving her.

Since this early morning they had been on school working with applications and papers about budgets they were trying to fix on, But then again another one has occured.

"A transfer? that's odd since no one even dared to come and apply here, well if they're really a genius and smart one" hanni said after taking a look at the application that had caught her attention.

"She looks really pretty"

While minji was just looking uninterested and continue her work trying to finish it off before lunch start since she only have a few minutes.

While jisoo looked in the others she decided to continue working to get this done for.

"Come on everyone continue its almost lunch" the secretary exclaimed clapping her hands getting the attention of the people inside the office.

"Yes!" everyone said and started working at their assigned work to be done until later evening. Hanni was handling the papers same with minji while the secretary jisoo was teaching hyein on what to do with the papers minji and hanni has done working on.

sunghoon can be seen spacing out at his table getting stressed at the work they were getting on. While jay kept on patting jungwon's back preventing him to dozed off his work.

Minji looked around the office seeing everyone so busy and even stressed, I wonder if everything's gonna work out today.. no trouble makers no annoying people that'd be probably peace.

Minji was daydreaming not wanting to ruin her day that she knows probably its a new schoolyear and its impossible to not have an annoying student strolling over the school and ofc as a president she would fix it trying to persuade or even fight the student if she/he won't listen to her.

Minji chuckled and everyone can probably heared it, some doesn't even give a fuck and while hanni just side eyed her.

"Damn she getting crazy?" yeonjun whispered at soobin earning a smacked on their heads by the secretary. Signalling them to just continue their work and the two nodded not wanting to get on minji's bad side. They know how cruel Kim Minji is when it comes to working.

It was finally lunch time and minji is still glued to her work finishing the one paper that was left to do.

hanni was sitting on her table beside minji waiting for her to finish. Hyein had left when she heared the bell rang going on ahead the two.

"Do you think their will be a trouble maker again?" minji frowned not even wanting to remember what happend few years ago during their first day of highschool.

"I saw a new student application earlier" minji hummed still glued her eyes at her computer.

"I just hope no one will become a troublemaker and make it hard for you" Hanni added that had caught minji's attention closing her computer.

"Well.. that's impossible not unless i'll just fight all of them off and kicked all of them out of this school" minji was joking but looked so serious saying those.

"Well there's still no one causing trouble, we should just relax.. anyways let's go hyein is probably eating lunch now"


Yeah no i'm not good at this

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